Most rom samsung galaxy tab related news are at:

Tutoriaux / Firmwares dédiés GT-7.0 • Re: [Tuto] Rom JB 4.2.X CM10.1 (GTab 7 P1000) 20 Aug 2013 | 11:08 pm
Un petit passage juste pour dire que la rom Alroger du 02/08/2013 est vraiment top. Il y en a une du 10/08/2013 mais moi je trouve qu'elle plante, donc je conseille celle du 02 Aout. Petite news, il ...
Galaxy Tab 8.9 • lire toute les video d un dossier sans s arreter 19 Aug 2013 | 06:18 pm
bonjour j ai plusieurs dessins animes .avi dans un dossier . le probleme c est que quand la 1 ere est fini, la 2eme ne commence pas automatiquement comment faire pour que ça passe a la 2 eme sans s ...
More rom samsung galaxy tab related news:
Samsung Galaxy Tablet Review 24 Mar 2012 | 12:19 am
When it comes to the search for a tablet to rival the iPad, the Samsung Galaxy Tab has been billed as the answer. This tablet runs on the latest version of the Google Android operating system – ever g...
Samsung Galaxy Tab | Do More on the Go… 13 Jan 2011 | 02:44 am
Do More on the Go with the Galaxy Tab™ Why did Samsung make a 7” Tablet—because we’re into mobility and know that people are looking for compact communication and entertainment devices they can slip ...
My Location@16:04,9/7 sent from Galaxy Tab 8 Jul 2011 | 08:06 pm
My Location@16:04,9/7 Uitm Arau, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia Sent from Google Map on Samsung Galaxy Tab
E’ Meglio l’Ipad 2 o il Samsung Galaxy Tab? 11 Feb 2012 | 12:43 pm
In molti in Italia si fanno questa domanda, ma la risposta è sempre la stessa: Ipad 2. Pare che tutti gli esperti di tablet votino per l’Ipad, visto che il Samsung Galaxy Tab, come tutti gli altri tab...
Australische Hof bestellingen een week verlenging van het verbod op Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 5 Dec 2011 | 02:57 am
Gisteren nog, een Australische uitspraak van het Hof hief het verbod op de verkoop van het vlaggenschip van Samsung GALAXY Tab 10.1 in dat land. Op 9 december, zal de rechter beslissen of Apple kan de...
3 HP Slate Spin-off Tablets With webOS 2.0 At CES 2011 29 Dec 2010 | 11:07 am
With RIM bringing the BlackBerry PlayBook, Sammy with its Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Apple with the rumored iPad 2, and a host of other manufacturers like NEC and Motorola (Honeycomb tablet) all debuting t...
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 – best alternative to iPad 26 Aug 2011 | 02:39 am
Samsung galaxy Tab 10.1 it’s by far the best alternative to iPad. In fact Apple it’s scared about the increasing popularity of Samsug Galaxy Tab that it sued Samsung for legar rights of using the soft...
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 P7500 30 May 2012 | 04:30 am
Tweet Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 daha iyi bir çalışma ve oyun deneyimi sunar. Daha keskin HD kaliteli ekran, flash ile daha iyi web gezintisi, daha etkin çoklu görev ve hatta HSPA ile daha yüksek hız. D...
Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 P7300 30 May 2012 | 04:26 am
Tweet Samsung Galaxy Tab 8,9 daha iyi bir çalışma ve oyun deneyimi sunar. Daha keskin HD kaliteli ekran, flash ile daha iyi web gezintisi, daha etkin çoklu görev ve hatta HSPA ile daha yüksek hız. Da...
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 30 May 2012 | 04:24 am
Tweet Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7, parlak Super AMOLED Plus ekranına sahip dünyadaki ilk tablettir. Önceye kıyasla daha ince ve daha hafiftir, bu aygıtı piyasada mevcut en portatif aygıtlardan birisi hali...