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Roomba 550 Review 12 Jan 2012 | 10:45 am
Are you still curious about the Roomba vacuum cleaners, or just on the fence about whether you really want one? The best way to really check them out is through Roomba reviews from Roomba owners. Thi...
iRobot Roomba 780 Official Video 13 Nov 2011 | 03:30 pm
The official iRobot Roomba 780 demonstration video from iRobot, showing Roomba 780 vacuum cleaning robot and describing all the innovative technologies it has. Technorati Tags: irobot roomba, irobot ...
iRobot Roomba 780 25 May 2012 | 06:39 pm
iRobot Roomba 780 Immer größer wird die Zahl der auf dem Markt erscheinenden Haushaltsroboter, einer davon ist der iRobot Roomba 780. Vor Jahren noch hätte es wohl niemand wirklich für möglich gehalt...
Testbericht iRobot Roomba 780 28 Mar 2012 | 06:37 am
Der Roomba stammt aus der Serie 700, durch seine weitere Perfektionierung ist er noch einfacher zu nutzen und erzielt optimale Ergebmisse. Der Roomba 780 ist eine echtes Technologiewunder, das für all...
iRobot Roomba 400 Review 5 Nov 2011 | 05:02 pm
IRobot Roomba 400 Review The iRobot Roomba 400 is a mid level robot vacuum cleaner that lets you enjoy the convenience of a robotic vacuum without breaking the budget. The Roomba 400 is a solid perfo...
My Roomba 550 Review 16 Sep 2010 | 07:56 pm
I have had my eye on the Roomba for a while, and have read many reviews. I was not fully convinced to try one, until I saw my first cleaning experience in person when my business partner purchased his...
Robot aspirapolvere iRobot Roomba 780 recensione 22 Aug 2012 | 09:52 am
Girando per il web,alla ricerca di un altro robot lavapavimenti della iRobot,diverso dallo Scooba 385,mi sono invece imbattuto in un robot aspirapolvere: Il Roomba 780 i Robot. Leggendo i diversi siti...
iRobot – Roomba 780 25 Feb 2013 | 10:10 pm
Le Roomba 780 (ou ROB780) est un l'aspirateur robot haut de gaùùe de la série 700, la famille la plus récente d’iRobot. Il possède un écran tactile, un affichage LCD, et est livré avec 2 murs virtuels...
Erfahrungsbericht – iRobot Roomba 780 Staubsaug-Roboter 25 Mar 2013 | 08:35 pm
Seit Anfang Februar dreht nun ein Roomba 780 von iRobot seine täglichen Runden in unserer Wohnung – daher möchte ich euch einen persönlichen Erfahrungsbericht natürlich nicht vorenthalten. Erst einmal...
Last couple of days of news and reviews from around the web 24 May 2013 | 12:32 pm
Last couple of days of news and reviews from around the web, quite a few interesting items in this one, including a lot of Nvidia Geforce 780 reviews…… Read on for more info and ...