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iPhone 4s vs. Galaxy S2 30 Nov 2011 | 05:32 am
iPhone4s bei vodafone Am 4. Oktober hat Apple sein neues Smartphone iPhone 4s vorgestellt und ist wohl zur Zeit der größte Konkurrent zum Testsieger Samsung Galaxy S2. läss...
Samsung Galaxy S3 vs Galaxy S2 vs Galaxy Nexus 5 May 2012 | 01:54 am
Samsung Galaxy S3 has been officially announced yesterday. The device brings hardware improvements like a new Exynos system-on-a-chip (SoC), backlit camera sensor, and a slick chassis design to the ta...
Cable Matters Micro USB to HDMI MHL Adapter for Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Infuse 4G, HTC Evo 3D, HTC Flyer Tablet, HTC Sensation Phone 21 Jan 2012 | 03:43 am
Cable Matters Micro USB to HDMI MHL Adapter for Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Infuse 4G, HTC Evo 3D, HTC Flyer Tablet, HTC Sensation Phone MHL Adapter allows you to connect a Micro USB (5 Pin) port to a...
Samsung galaxy s3 Vs Samsung galaxy s2 5 May 2012 | 10:14 pm
After Many rumors finally Samsung galaxy S3 is launched on may 3,2012.Samsung lauched this S III at Samsung Unpacked event in London.Samsung Galaxy S3 is the most advanced smartphone in the world til...
In the Flesh: Apple A5 chip vs Samsung Exynos 15 Jun 2011 | 03:09 pm
What makes a great digital device is its under the hood. Samsung’s recent flagship smartphone Galaxy S2 is powered by Exynos 4210 and the Apple A5 chip can be found in the iPad 2 and the upcoming iPho...
Samsung Galaxy S2 vs enhanced Motorola Droid Bionic up next PopHerald 23 May 2011 | 07:31 pm
VerizonStoreLocator.Blogspot.Com - Samsung Galaxy S2 vs enhanced Motorola Droid Bionic up nextPopHeraldBut due to the recent confirmation of the carrier that the unlimited data plan will be discontinu...
Il Sony Xperia Ion vs Samsung Galaxy S2 24 Feb 2012 | 06:56 am
Il Sony Xperia ionica è un nuovo telefono cellulare che è stato annunciato nel gennaio 2012 e si prevede di arrivare nei negozi questa primavera. Come ogni competitive nuovo smartphone Android il suo ...
El Sony Xperia Ion vs Samsung Galaxy S2 24 Feb 2012 | 06:56 am
El Sony Xperia Ion es un nuevo teléfono que se anunció en enero de 2012 y se prevé que llegará a las tiendas esta primavera. Al igual que cualquier nuevo teléfono inteligente Android competitiva su ob...
Apple iPhone 4S Vs Samsung Galaxy S2 29 Dec 2011 | 01:36 am
Samsung Galaxy S2 being the best smartphone is leading most of the lists of top smartphones. Many other manufacturers tried to create phones able to compete with it, but all proved fail even Apple iPh...
[比較] 拍攝相片比較 : HTC One X vs Samsung Galaxy S2 7 Apr 2012 | 08:47 pm
HTC One X 其中一項主打係Amazing Camera,咁當然要試吓佢有幾 Amazing 啦!我手頭上得太太部 GS2, 就搵佢嚟比較啦。GS2話哂都叫做機黃皇吖,搵佢嚟比較都好合情合理。 我用左半日部One X嚟影相,發覺會好容易習慣性用個連拍功能,一影野(特別係影小朋友)嘅時候就係咁咔嚓、咔嚓、咔嚓係咁影,完全停唔到落嚟,好似鬼上身咁。好在佢有個“最佳畫面“功能,當你影完之後揀最靚嗰...