Most script selling script related news are at:

About 10 Apr 2010 | 01:02 pm
The Million Dollar Script™ is the original pixel script, the first of it's kind to be released to the public back in Sept 28, 2005. The Million Dollar Script allows you to sell advertising space on yo...
More script selling script related news:
Simple PHP mail script that works 23 Dec 2010 | 06:13 am
From the Apache forums: I’m posting this message for the benefit of other newbies like me. Thanks to CHASE’s advice, I now have a very simple mail script that works: <?php $to = $_REQUEST['MyEmail'] ;...
How to keep a PHP script running in background on your linux server 17 May 2012 | 06:31 pm
I had a PHP script that I wanted to keep running in background so that I could get it to perform a task when it received input, but the problem I had was that the PHP script kept timing out, and I wan...
Text Ads Script 26 Oct 2009 | 01:54 pm
Sell Text Ads Script is a PHP/MySQL script that allows you to sell text ads on your website, and keep 100% of the profits for yourself! Unlike a hosted solution, like ADbrite (which takes a 20-30% cut...
Guide: Brute Force Niche Finder and Backlink Script …? Online SEO Tools on bulkping f? R Site SEO 11 Jun 2012 | 09:54 am
Uhr Tutorial auf dem Erhalten Top Preis 1000 Backlinks f?r Website Guide: Brute Force Niche Finder und Backlink Script …? Online SEO-Tools auf bulkping Site SEO f?r Video Video Rating...
[SORU] Scripts Yaratma 3 Sep 2012 | 09:33 pm
Arkadaşlar bence bu konu çok kolay bir konu gibi geliyor ama internette bulamadım . Şimdi Ben Unity3d indirdim ve kendiliğinden AngryBots diye bir oyun geldi . Projects de onun Scripts lerifelan var g...
Adwords Script to track Quality Score on Account, campaign & Ad Group Level 9 Apr 2013 | 07:29 pm
Warning: this post is a bit more technical than most of our posts as we go into some depth on Adwords scripts. BUT – do not worry – if you follow the post through you will hopefully be able to just fo...
Tips membuat script anti ad-blocker untuk para webmaster 18 Jun 2013 | 06:22 pm
Ad blocker merupakan sebuah program kecil yang berfungsi untuk memblokir tampilan iklan-iklan yang ada di website sehingga loading website menjadi jauh lebih cepat karena script iklan tidak ikut loadi...
Chicago Conference for US Script Entertains with Live Digital Caricatures 19 Jun 2013 | 05:39 am
You’re absolutely going to love these caricatures! Roger had the distinct pleasure to entertain with his Live Digital Caricatures in Chicago this week for US Script. (Awesome job again, Roger!) He spe...
Tips membuat script anti ad-blocker untuk para webmaster 18 Jun 2013 | 06:22 pm
Ad blocker merupakan sebuah program kecil yang berfungsi untuk memblokir tampilan iklan-iklan yang ada di website sehingga loading website menjadi jauh lebih cepat karena script iklan tidak ikut loadi...
Increasing the script execution time on XAMPP 29 Jan 2013 | 11:59 am
As of this writing, the XAMPP version I’m using is Version 3.1.0 for Windows The problem I encountered when I’m executing a longer script: ‘Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded’—...