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More senile related news:
Senile Slayers 30 May 2012 | 06:10 pm
While Japan’s homicide rate has been decreasing, the number of murderers over the age of 65 has been on the rise. Elderly offenders increased 46%...
Ivan's Birthday 17 Oct 2007 | 06:28 am
Ivan recently turned eleven. That's 77 in dog-human years. After 15 years, 50% of cats are senile. So far, Ivan is still with it. To celebrate his birthday, Ivan got a plate of his favourite food: A...
Mailing 6 Apr 2009 | 07:20 pm
Damit hat alles angefangen: Ein Umschlag, ein Anschreiben und ein Gedanke. Die Geburtsstunde des Mailings. Inzwischen ist es erwachsen, aber noch lange nicht senil. Denn es ist eines der abwechslungsr...
Solar Lentigo 25 Apr 2012 | 11:22 pm
Solar lentigo is also recognizable as Liver spots, Lentigo senilis, Old age spot as well as senile freckle. These are rashes on the skin connected with aging and contact to ultraviolet radiation from ...
Philip Pullman creates a darker Christ in new assault on the church 27 Mar 2010 | 07:41 am
In the bestselling His Dark Materials books, author Philip Pullman depicted the church as a corrupt and murderous bureaucracy and God as senile, frail and impotent. And, despite condemnation by the Ch...
Cordura Senil 4 May 2010 | 01:38 am
Hoy desperté con pena, con temor al tiempo, a envejecer, quedarme ciego y sordo, solo, encerrado en mi empaque. Dicen que la madurez y la cordura llegan con los años, yo quisiera vivir en eterna fant...
UMNO and Pakatan slammed Dr M's senile argument 9 Jul 2010 | 01:20 am
Umno, Pakatan slam Dr M’s Malay theory as ‘far-fetched’ In a rare show of unity, Umno and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) have slammed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s argument that the Malays could end up being a minor... 17 Nov 2010 | 04:14 pm
Estrellas de senil brillo imperan el ancho claustro abismal, que do negruzco y monacal si el astro no alumbrase, Oh aquellos caballos de rostro desvanecido e indómito coraje, que dirigidos por el rec...
Ravvedimenti 6 Aug 2010 | 05:45 am
Secondo me sapevano già con chi avevano a che fare, ma adesso che il grande condottiero è affetto da demenza senile aggravata dall’eccessivo consumo di Viagra, scendono tutti dal carro, prima che il c...
Skin wrinkles 31 Dec 2010 | 08:12 am
Skin wrinkles in old age In old age, the elastic fibers of the skin undergo senile generation for which the elasticity of the skin is lost, and with the wasting of the muscles, the skin cannot adapt ...