Most sigma 70-200 related news are at:

Petzval-Objektiv Replika 27 Aug 2013 | 01:50 pm
Interessant! Ein Uraltobjektiv erlebt eine Neuauflage, der Film ist sehr spannend für Altglasfreunde:
Sony A 3000, Systemkamera im DSLR Gewand? 27 Aug 2013 | 09:58 am
Mit dem Aussehen einer klassischen Digitalen Spiegelreflex-Kamera kommt die neue Sony A 3000 Kamera bei genauerer Betrachtung aber mit einem E-Mount Bajonettanschluss daher. Meines Wissens ein Novum,...
More sigma 70-200 related news:
Digital Photography-a Quick Photo Shoot 1 2 Jan 2013 | 08:13 am
ටිකක් වෙනස් විදියේ ෆොටෝ ගන්න පුළුවන් විදියක් දැක්ක නිසා, ඒක ඔයාලත් එක්ක බෙදා ගන්න episode එකක් කළා. කරලා බලන්න ඔයාලත්. Gears used, D7000, Sigma 70-200, Extension tube, torch,tripod, remote release
orchideeëngloed 21 May 2013 | 12:07 am
vorig jaar deed fotojanus een greep in de geldbuidel, ten einde de sigma 70-200 F2.8 EX APO DG OS HSM aan te schaffen. Een merknaam zowaar langer dan de lens zelve, maar een opportuniteit om het berei...
Objektivi : Nik-Sigma 70-200/2.8 HSM-2 APO 26 Aug 2013 | 11:10 pm
Nikon-Sigma. Izostrava do 1 metar. Objektiv u savrsenom stanju. Oba poklopca. Zonerica. Primerak koji je ostar i na 2.8. Moze zamena za Canon 70-200/4 bez IS I canon 50/1.4 isto u ekstra stanju. 650 ...
Portpatrick 27 Aug 2013 | 02:30 am
Yesterday at Portpatrick near Stranraer. First two are with my best friend Canon 17-40 Lens, next three are with the very seldom used Sigma 70-200 2.8 Viewpoint, Ireland is across there. Breaks one o...
Tokina AT-X Pro SD 70-200mm F/4 (IF) FX pro Canon EOS 550D 6 Feb 2012 | 12:49 am
Kenko-Tokina do toho šlape a po aktualizované Tokině 11-16/2,8 přichází s oznámením před veletrhem CP+ v Japonsku úplné novinky Tokiny AT-X Pro SD 70-200/4 (IF) FX. Objektiv 70-200mm F4 bude mít ultra...
Rented the 70-200 2.8 5 Jan 2011 | 08:27 pm
This bad boy was a real pleasure. Hate to give it back but clearly it's way out of my price range currently. Sigh :/ Permalink | Leave a comment »
Sigma 70-300 f4-5.6 APO DG Macro 24 Aug 2006 | 06:52 am
Po krótkich poszukiwaniach nowego tele, postanowiłem skorzystać z okazji i wypożyczyć na 3 dni tytułową Sigmę… Obiektyw jak na swoje parametry i recenzje drogi nie jest, bo kosztuje około 900zł. Co pr...
Monumen part 1 6 Feb 2011 | 05:29 am
Menguji kamera canon 60D + lense EF 50mm f1.8 dan SP AF 70-200 f2.8 Camera Canon EOS 60D /Exposure 0.003 sec (1/400) /Aperture f/3.2 /Focal Length 50 mm /ISO Speed 100 /Exposure Bias +5/3 EV Camer....
Where To Buy Nikon 70-200 VR II Online? 18 Aug 2011 | 08:07 pm
Before you invest your hard earned money to buy Nikon 70-200 VR II lens, it is better to read a review. This is an AF-S Nikkor zoom lens that is developed to suit Nikon Digital SLR (DSLR) cameras. Thi...
The Still Image with Crash Taylor 19 Jan 2011 | 02:04 am
Wedding – Photographer Jonathan Dear – Website LOCATION: In the middle of Lake Illawara, about 2 hours South of Sydney, Australia. CAMERA AND LENS: 5D Mk II + 70-200 f/...