Most smart ass things to say related news are at:

You Can Call It "Homecoming Clean" 25 Aug 2013 | 09:48 am
I have a request. I need someone out there to start a business for me. Nothing fancy; just leave whichever dead-end soul-sucking job you're currently in, throw together a logo or some letterhead, mayb...
Glacier National Park Signs, Paraphrased 21 Aug 2013 | 09:06 am
The missus and I are returning from our Great Montana Migration of 2013 tomorrow. While we're still here in Glacier National Park, I thought I'd relay some of the signs I've seen posted around the par...
More smart ass things to say related news:
Video Games (cover) – Ellie Smart 12 Aug 2012 | 03:53 am
TweetSharefew things to say about this video – i look ill because i have been for ages.. ive also not been sleeping because of it.. my mother zoomed in again, im never letting her film anything EVER A...
Politics of reproduction 29 Jul 2010 | 10:49 am
Talking about having kids or not having kids often leads people to expose their asses. When I say that I don’t want to have kids, sometimes middle/upper-class/smart/liberal people tell me that I have ...
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! 23 Nov 2011 | 03:27 pm
I haven't posted IN AGES! I'm happy to say that I haven't been in bed this whole time with the dog of depression biting my ass. Things have been very busy with the Master's program at school, a lot of...
I Love Pregnancy :: Million Moms Challenge 22 Sep 2011 | 02:00 am
When I was a teenager, I knew that I would want drugs when I had a baby. My favorite thing to say was, "God gave man the smarts to invent drugs for a reason. Stick that needle in my back and give me...
Well... 7 May 2010 | 11:08 pm
Today I only have have two very short things to say. One: Net-savvy that I am, I decided it was time this blog got a fanpage on facebook. Therefore I made one. I also registered Smart Sass in the Net...
Robins in Spring 1 Jun 2012 | 07:46 am
I kept trying to think of lyrics to a piano piece I wrote this month. Unfortunately the smart-ass in me wanted it's say, thus this Linus episode came into creation. In this section, Linus Weedwhacker ...
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! 23 Nov 2011 | 10:27 am
I haven't posted IN AGES! I'm happy to say that I haven't been in bed this whole time with the dog of depression biting my ass. Things have been very busy with the Master's program at school, a lot of...
Put Your Ass In The Chair And CREATE–Despite EVERYTHING 22 Jul 2013 | 09:32 pm
You’ve probably heard the (semi?) old adage that giving birth to a creative work of art is a lot like giving birth to a child. (Minus the placenta. Is that an acceptable thing to say in the open...
Don’t ask dumb-ass questions 28 Jul 2013 | 11:58 am
They say there’s no such thing as silly questions. There are when it comes to customer support. An important part of customer retention is support. I think support is really undervalued by many mercha...
Tiffany Rayne 7 Jul 2013 | 01:38 pm
Imagine a chick like this calling you up and saying " Hey I want you to fuck the shit out of my ass". The first thing you say is fuck ya, then when the blood leaves your dick and goes back to your bra...