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Social Media Insights By Cyndi Slick: Tweet This, Tweet That, Tweet What??? 6 Nov 2011 | 09:56 am
With social media on the constant rise and more and more people turning to various social media platforms, should you tweet or not? What should you tweet? When you should you? To tweet or not tweet, t...
Corporate Blogging for Fun and Profit 29 Dec 2010 | 04:29 am
Written by Susan Harris as a guest on a terrific blog about social media – Debbie Weil’s Social Media Insights Blog. Here’s Debbie’s introduction: Kudos to my newest guest blogger Susan Harris for he...
Stanford vs. Cal – Who likes what and why the Bubble Wrap? 23 Jun 2012 | 01:35 am
The summer beckons, another college academic year is behind us, and so we thought it fun to look at some social media insights around Bay Area university students. Here thanks to the wonders of social...
Stanford vs. Cal – Who likes what and why the Bubble Wrap? 23 Jun 2012 | 01:35 am
The summer beckons, another college academic year is behind us, and so we thought it fun to look at some social media insights around Bay Area university students. Here thanks to the wonders of social...
Ponto Frio fatura 20 milhões com ações em redes sociais 14 May 2013 | 09:35 pm
Guilherme Perez, Coordenador de Marketing da Nova Pontocom apresentou case do Pinguim nas plataformas sociais, nesta manhã, no evento IAB Social Media Insights, em São Paulo. Durante a palestra, Perez...
New Report: Forbes No. 1 Mainstream Media Source For Digital Marketers In Q2 3 Aug 2013 | 01:03 am
Q1 Survey of Marketing Managers vs Q2 Survey of Digital Marketers (Source: Leadtail)Online marketing and social media company Leadtail has just issued its newest research report: Social Media Insights...
米国の情報通がもっともチェックしてるインターネット・メディアは? 19 Aug 2013 | 10:17 am
すっかり定着したツイッター。今や、Google Glassの目撃情報のように1つのツイートから世界のニュースになる事例も・・・。そんな背景もあって、先日、全米のデジタル・マーケターが、日頃、いったいどんな情報をツイートしてるか?に関するLeadtailとNetBaseの共同調査レポート(Social Media Insights: How Digital Marketers Engage on T...
Social Media Analyst 20 Aug 2013 | 04:48 pm
About Tempero Our Culture: Managing Social Media 24/7 Tempero is a social media management company providing services in online moderation, social media insight and engagement for major brands such....
Fresh Faces: Introducing our growing Social Media Insight team 6 Aug 2013 | 06:49 pm
Like Real Madrid and Man United, FACE have been busy this summer in the transfer market adding lots of fresh faces to our global Social Media Insight team. Rob Parkin has joined us from social busine...
SOCIAL MEDIA ATTRIBUTION, Beyond user engagement 15 Jul 2011 | 07:44 pm
This Havas Digital Insights piece outlines Artemis’ methodology for attribution across Display, Search, Video and Social Media, showing real-world examples of applications to the ecommerce world, as w...