Most studio ghibli related news are at:

Meet a real moving, shooting giant robot - The KR-01 Kuratas 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Ever wanted to own your very own giant mech? One that will actually move around and shoot as well? Now it's a reality thanks to Suidobashi Heavy Industries.
Anime on TV - August 2012 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Here's your monthly guide to Madman anime that is being featured on TV! All times are EST, check your local guide for full listings and times.
More studio ghibli related news:
Kiki’s Delivery Service 1 May 2008 | 12:13 am
As you can most probably observe from the artwork in the picture above, Kiki’s Delivery Service is another one of Studio Ghibli’s masterpieces. This movie was produced in 1989, a long 19 years ago, bu...
《NAK》:令人驚喜的泰國動畫電影 11 Apr 2008 | 05:01 pm
泰國是東南亞最積極發展流行文化的國家,其鬼片水準之高不用多說,但知否其動畫其實也十分出色。鬼片加動畫便成為《NAK》(2008, BboyCG Studio)這部令人刮目相看的作品。《NAK》是泰國家傳戶曉的鬼故事,已經被搬上銀幕逾二十次,這次改編成動畫,成績令人驚喜。 《NAK》在人設及技術上可謂集日美之大全,但卻融合得十分自然。對其影響最大的似是 Studio Ghibli,畫風處處有《千與...
Studio Ghibli Working with Peace Winds Japan 6 Jul 2011 | 06:06 pm
As U.S. Media is slowly forgetting to mention anything about Japan, there is still a devastating reality that hundreds of thousands are facing in Japan. As of today, over 120 thousand people still ar...
Ni No Kuni and the Power of Charming RPG Worlds ( PS3 ) 19 Apr 2012 | 11:34 am
It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for Ni no Kuni: The Wrath of the White Witch. Developer Level-5′s RPG collaboration with renowned animation group Studio Ghibli has stolen my heart since 2009. ...
Gabriel Iumazark 1 Mar 2012 | 02:51 am
Love these illustrations by brazilian artist Gabriel Iumazark. Reminds me of Studio Ghibli heroines.
On Studio Ghibli 17 Mar 2012 | 08:00 am
One of my favorite hobbies as a passionate lover of cinema is to find what has influenced my favourite filmmakers. It is fascinating to learn about their idols and how those films shaped their w...
Studio Ghibli Soot Sprites 14 Apr 2011 | 12:27 pm
I watched Spirited Away a few days ago and as always cooed and awed when the soot sprites appeared. They're so darn adorable! It's not the best photo for colour representation but the sun has been che...
Princesse Mononoké... en cours... 3 Sep 2011 | 10:00 am
Bonjour à toutes et à tous... Aujourd'hui, présentation du croquis de mon nouveau fanart en cours... Petit hommage à un grand dessin animé des Studios GHIBLI. Sublimes graphismes pour une histoir...
Fast & Furious 5, Arrietty le petit monde des chapardeurs et We want sex equality : les sorties vod Cinéma de la semaine. 24 Sep 2011 | 05:07 am
Fast & Furious 5 avec Vin Diesel, Arrietty le petit monde des chapardeurs du studio Ghibli et We want sex equality de Nigel Cole sont les principales sorties VoD de votre semaine. Des bolides, des mu...
Pippi Calzaslargas, según Hayao Miyazaki 21 Mar 2012 | 07:34 am
Quiero traeros un proyecto del gran artifice de Studio Ghibli: Hayao Miyazaki. Como habreis podido adivinar por las imagenes hablamos de un proyecto dedicado a la niña más traviesa de nuestra infanci...