Most tall gin and tonic related news are at:

Making Plans For Sigil – an intro to some of the ideas my mind holds 15 Jun 2013 | 06:22 pm
An intro to an abandoned project that I got bored with. Liked this bit of writing though, so sticking it here for prosperity. Magic works, the lot, tarot cards, spells, funny hats, all of it. It proba...
The Pass Notes From a Lifetime of Stumbles Vol: 1 10 Jun 2013 | 01:34 am
I’ve climbed out on the roof again, the neighbours are getting as full of a dose of a change is gonna come as my ancient Sony speakers can kick out. I’ve drank a few beers and the sun is doing that th...
More tall gin and tonic related news:
My Cougar Dating Story 28 Oct 2009 | 01:31 pm
One year ago... She's sitting down the bar twirling a tiny straw around in high ball glass of what I presume is a gin and tonic. She's got a tight body and is all prettied up with make-up, hair and a...
The Origin of the Gin and Tonic 6 Feb 2011 | 02:16 am
Enjoy another fine bartending mini-series , from Westchester’s PREMIER Bartending School, The Academy of Professional Bartending The Number 1 rated Bartending School in New York! Gin and Tonic Today...
DYNASTY's Season 9: More Ginger Ale, Than Gin-and-Tonics 29 May 2011 | 05:30 am
A couple of articles now from the summer of 1988 after "Dallas" producer David Paulsen came on board to try to salvage "Dynasty" in its upcoming 9th season, which proved to be the fading soap last. P...
Holiday Bar 2 Jul 2012 | 04:02 am
A large Gin and Tonic or a week in the Med?????? The value of this is the domain name which was registered in 2000 but has never been used. Similarly the website has only just been created with the so...
Gin and Tonic at Casa Fuster, Barcelona 17 May 2013 | 03:57 am
Gin and tonics have been with us since 1858. I have missed millions of them since then but the way things are going I will be catching up soon. Now that you know one of my favorite hobbies...taking pi...
Photo: the James Bond gin and tonic 25 Jan 2013 | 11:40 pm
Gordon’s Export, Nordic Mist tonic and a good squeeze of lime. While 007 has never ordered a gin & tonic in the films, this comes from the pages of Doctor No.
Gin and Tonic feat. apple&lime 13 Jul 2013 | 04:21 pm
När jag googlade upp det här recepetet så var det rekommenderat som en vinterdrink. Nu vet jag inte om äpplen och lime är så där överdrivet vintrigt, jag tycker snarare att det gör det lite friskare i...
Playlist 17.7.13 17 Jul 2013 | 10:57 pm
Jamie Cullum- When I get famous Brandy Butler- Gin and tonic Fleetwood Mac- the chain kinks- a well respected man Cromatica Pistona- Apaga la luz Pat les stache- Funk Suprema Stigmato- la maison...
Gin tasting: Opihr Oriental Spiced London Dry Gin 10 Aug 2013 | 01:33 am
This gin is full of Eastern promise There was a time when the only choice a gin drinker faced in the pub was: “Ice and a slice?” You could have your gin and tonic (which would be Gordon’s) warm and u...
Gin and Tonic Cookies 31 Jul 2013 | 04:00 pm
This past weekend was the fourth annual Big Summer Potluck. I’ve attended all four years, and, with the exception of last year, I’ve decorated cookies each year to take for the potluck. Since the gin ...