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Get To Know The Sycamores 17 Mar 2011 | 12:50 am
Todd Golden of the Terre Haute (IN) Tribune-Star covers ISU basketball. He was gracious enough to drop some knowledge on the Sycamores in a Q&A this week. Judging from the Sycamores’ resume, while th...
I really, really wish I could be surprised by this. 21 Jan 2011 | 03:58 am
Those pretty little "In God We Trust" plates have cost the Indiana highway fund over $1.5 million so far, according to the Terre Haute Tribune-Star. From the article: A new state law that passed ove...
Nouvelle vidéo de fin d’hiver sur les terres normandes.... 5 Jul 2012 | 03:17 pm
Nouvelle vidéo de fin d’hiver sur les terres normandes. Terre de talus accueillants ! Feat Flav, Fer, Laz, Clem, Arno, Pat, Pidz et la super star du porn amateur français : Mitch mac Curtis !
Quadrocopter swarm light show over London 3 Apr 2013 | 08:52 am
As a harbinger for the Paramount film “Star Trek – Into Darkness”, starting in May in Europe’s cinemas, a swarm of 30 mini-helicopters equipped with the LED lights drew the Star Trek logo into the ski...
“More Ideas than Bergdorf’s has Snobs” 7 Jun 2013 | 09:26 pm
Yesterday*, The Star-Ledger of New Jersey, wrote a glowing review of Bitches on a Budget. Obviously, whenever anyone says something nice about our message we feel happy, but when someone who is a terr...
Green star 24 Jun 2013 | 12:23 am
"Les vers de terre s'enfoncent dans le sol pour ne pas tomber amoureux des étoiles." [Yvan Audouard]###Emmeji#Appareil : Olympus SP-550 UZ#Catégorie : Flore
The World’s Best Kiddie Pool: Terre Blanche in Provence 31 Jul 2013 | 03:07 am
The kiddie pool at Terre Blanche, a five-star luxury resort in Provence, has to be the best kiddie pool in the world. No, I haven’t been to them all but I don’t see how there could be better one in ex...
Prokop Slanina è stato selezionato per l'All Star Game U18 27 Aug 2013 | 05:33 pm
Il cestista di Biella si mette in mostra Prokop Slanina, centro del 1995 nel roster dell'Angelico Biella, è stato selezionato per partecipare all'All Star Game U18. La competizione si terrà in Sloven...
Tomates et courgettes, les rois de la farce ! 22 Jul 2013 | 11:34 am
Même si la plupart des légumes se prêtent aux farcis, l’été, tomates, courgettes rondes, aubergines, poivrons, artichauts et pommes de terre, en sont les stars incontestées. Il est de coutume de les f...
La réponse ( QUESTION 26) 5 Aug 2013 | 09:31 pm
L'étoile qui n'est pas par terre: Par respect envers le Prophète, Mohamed-Ali n'a pas voulu de son étoile sur le sol Hollywoodien (par terre) Légende des rings, Mohamed Ali est une star étoilée, se...