Most the book of awesome related news are at:

Anne Rice Party, Book Tattoo, Updates 23 Aug 2013 | 10:32 pm
Hey gang, I’ve got a few items to share. Party On October 24 I’m going to be doing a library event in Lafayette, Louisiana. Better yet, the day after that I’m going to New Orleans for the Anne Rice ...
Green Room, Ladies’ Room, Lengthy Bozos, and The HannyGranny 22 Aug 2013 | 10:11 pm
Yesterday I went to the ABC 4 studio for an interview. I was quickly ushered into the green room. The green room wasn’t green at all. I had no idea if green meant something else, besides the color, so...
More the book of awesome related news:
Awesome 26 Dec 2011 | 11:29 am
So I bought myself the Book of Awesome. Yes I thought it was a little cheesy but since I grew up on "Chicken Soup of the Soul" I thought this would be right up my alley. Here is one that made me laugh...
Free Book for Kindle! 22 Jan 2012 | 08:15 am
Not only is it free, it's a book of awesomeness! And ONLY for today! HORNS OF POWER: MANIFESTATIONS OF THE HORNED GOD (UK users go HERE). Get your Pagan butts over there and order it. You can use ...
Live… Suburbia by Anthony Pappalardo and Max G Morton 16 Oct 2011 | 02:41 am
A few years back, AP (or IME) hit us up with his book Radio Silence. That book was awesome. It had everything a young hardcore kid (or an old hardcore kid) could ever want: rare tshirts, old flyers, q...
Get Out Of My Pants! How I Got Violated On Vacation 8 Jun 2012 | 09:35 am
The Mainland - Sophisticatedly Stupid Humor There are many good reasons why someone might be anxious to get out of bed early while on vacation. Perhaps you've booked an awesome early morning skydivi...
If you love peanut butter you will love this super easy pie. This recipe is from one of my favorite cookbooks. The treats in this book are awesome and most are pretty easy to make.Magnolia Bakery Pean...
“Two Kinds of Faith” by E.W. Kenyon 15 Jul 2012 | 03:45 am
I just want to say right off the back, the book is AWESOME. If you want to learn more about faith and, more importantly, how to live by it, this is your book. “Two Kinds of Faith” was recommended to m...
If you love peanut butter you will love this super easy pie. This recipe is from one of my favorite cookbooks. The treats in this book are awesome and most are pretty easy to make.Magnolia Bakery Pean...
“Two Kinds of Faith” by E.W. Kenyon 15 Jul 2012 | 12:45 am
I just want to say right off the back, the book is AWESOME. If you want to learn more about faith and, more importantly, how to live by it, this is your book. “Two Kinds of Faith” was recommended to m...
zsultan: Glamour shots of a book we published. We got to use... 4 Jan 2013 | 10:36 pm
zsultan: Glamour shots of a book we published. We got to use silver foil. Is this a real book? Looks awesome
Zombie A-Hole (2012) 16 Jan 2013 | 10:08 pm
Zombie A-Hole takes place in a world that's a bit different from our own. A realm that teeters on the edge of sleaze and comic book stylized awesomeness. It's Planet Terror meets Sin City meets The Go...