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– Tulsa Restaurants, Recipes & Food Reviews by Tulsa Foodies & Chefs
Just For The Halibut at Doc’s Wine & Food 23 Aug 2013 | 07:14 pm
Tim Richards is cooking some of the best food of his life. Lately I seem to find my way to Doc’s Wine & Food every Saturday just to see what wonderful creation Tim has designed for his weekend fish sp...
Boston Deli Offers Different Atmosphere and Menus at Lunch and Dinner 22 Aug 2013 | 07:24 pm
First impressions are usually a pretty good indication of how something really is. This can be true for people and businesses as well. Such was the case when I visited Boston Deli recently on two sep...
More the brook tulsa face book related news:
Easy Thirty-One Gifts Summer Giveaway and a Chance to win $200 Gift Certificate Summer 2012 17 Jul 2012 | 03:12 pm
Hurry Don’t Miss out on the summer Items Easy to win Thirty-One Gifts Giveaway! To enter: Simply Join the Face Book Group: Brooks Bags Galore and comment under the giveaway post to enter to win! Th...