Most the roti prata house related news are at:

Penang Place 21 Aug 2009 | 02:43 pm
Penang Place 6 International Business Park #01-05 Atrium Building (off Boon Lay Way) Singapore 609918 Tel: 6899 9446 Website: Opening Hours: 11.30am to 2.00p...
Wood Restaurant & Bar 24 Mar 2009 | 04:22 pm
Wood Restaurant & Bar 1 Harbourfront Walk #01-53 Tel: 6375 9663 Website: First impression was wow! This is a classy place! Set-up of the restaurant was like a fine din...
More the roti prata house related news:
ROTI PRATA, un vídeo del pan indio mas fino del mundo... 11 Mar 2013 | 01:49 pm
Vaya semanita que dejo atrás... He estado en un curso intensivo que no me ha dejado un minuto para nada. Pero muy bien. Ahora vuelvo al blog. Las cosas se han precipitado un poco. El 22 me vuelvo a S...
Importance of Health Screening 23 Jan 2013 | 07:25 pm
George Tan thrives on routine. Each morning, he walks to the nearest hawker centre for his roti prata breakfast, complete with a cup of Kopi-O. Sometimes, he breaks out of his usual and opts for dough...
Cake House 29 7 Jul 2011 | 10:05 pm
28th BITE: LEMBAR GLUTEN MENGEMBANG MASA DIULI, HASILNYA PADA ROTI Satu pandangan yang aku rasa aku faham maksudnya datang dari Intan yang berdiri dihadapan aku dan Anas. Anak matanya jelas mencerita...
Sup tulang in d house! 28 Oct 2012 | 06:42 am
Menu wajib Aidil Adha..... alhamdulillah dapat gak rasa mak bawa daging korban dari kampung... makan panas panas.... cicah roti pun sodap!
A Little House Guest 10 Apr 2013 | 08:55 pm
A few weeks ago I posted about having a house guest who would be travelling from America, well he turned up last week! Here he is......a Moulin Roty Sylvain Bunny arriving from America. I have to sa...
A Little House Guest 10 Apr 2013 | 08:55 pm
A few weeks ago I posted about having a house guest who would be travelling from America, well he turned up last week! Here he is......a Moulin Roty Sylvain Bunny arriving from America. I h...
Bread Butter Pudding + Sos Custard Vanilla (new in the house) 17 Jul 2013 | 11:38 am
Salam , juga keluaran terbaru dr DJ BAKERY - Bread Butter Pudding with custard vanilla sos. Dengan rasa roti crunchy di atas, ditaburi dengan kismis , kacang badam / walnut & choc chip..disalut pula ...
Las Cuevas House/Bar 25 Jul 2013 | 04:13 am
Las Cuevas house, bar, roti shop for sale.On 40,000 sq.ft. of land.
Las Cuevas House/Bar 24 Jul 2013 | 04:54 pm
Las Cuevas house , bar , roti shop for sale.On 40,000 sq ft of land
Parada de biciclete la Timisoara! Biciclistii vor defila pe 2 roti pana la Festivalul House Parade 27 Aug 2013 | 04:41 pm
TIMISOARA. Nebunie house si pedalare! Biciclistii timisoreni sunt asteptati la o defilare pe doua roti pentru a merge la Festivalul House Parade, care se tine la inceput de toamna, langa Timisoara, pe...