Most true blood werewolf bar related news are at: Video -- Melissa McCarthy is Desperate, Joel McHale Knows What That's Like 14 Jul 2011 | 05:11 am
Watch this above and then bookmark this, the link for the webcast of the Emmy nominations, which happens tomorrow at 5:30 eastern. Do it!
Sherwood Schwartz, November 14, 1916 – July 12, 2011 13 Jul 2011 | 07:43 am
Watch Mr. Schwartz speak on the day he got his Walk of Fame start by clicking this. Watch him talk about the impact of The Brady Bunch and Gilligan's Island...
More true blood werewolf bar related news:
Joe Manganiello Workout and Diet 22 Jun 2011 | 11:25 am
Finishing off this week’s focus on the workout and diet routines of HBO’s True Blood stars – today we’ll talk about Joe Manganiello who plays the lean and muscular werewolf Alcide Herveaux. (You can f...
True Blood Season 1: 12 Episodes (September 7th 2008 – November 23rd 2008) 3 Sep 2011 | 07:12 am
Episode 1: ‘Strange Love’ The story begins two years later after finding out that vampires do actually walk amongst us. Sookie Stackhouse is a telepathic barmaid who works at Merlotte’s Bar at Bon Te...
Watch TRUE BLOOD Season 3 Episode 3 – It Hurts Me Too 10 Aug 2010 | 10:55 am
TRUE BLOOD Season 3 Episode 3 – It Hurts Me Too Summary : In search of Bill, Sookie heads to Jackson, Mississippi in the company of Alcide, a werewolf bodyguard assigned by Eric to protect her. Jason...
True Blood fashion Sookie’s purse and leather jacket 21 Aug 2013 | 08:00 am
Sookie’s crossbody bag CopperPeace At the finale of True Blood season 6, Sookie had dated a shifter, a werewolf, a fairy and two vampires so it’s obvious that Sookie Stackhouse has a type. Ho...
True Blood Showrunner Brian Buckner on Season 6, the Werewolf Problem, and the Jason-Eric Sex Dream 22 Aug 2013 | 12:30 am
Another interview with Brian Buckner. He talks about the finale, Jason-Eric sex dream (which we did NOT get in the finale) and a little bit on season 7 of True Blood. Excerpt of interview below: True...
Giveaway and Review: Crazy Dog Tshirts. Merlotte's Bar and Grill True Blood Shirt! 16 Aug 2013 | 02:43 am
Hello Dear Readers: I received a tee of my choice from CrazyDog Tshirts, but did not receive any compensation for this post. The opinions within are my own. When I first found out I could review .....