Most ubuntu based security cd related news are at:

Gleg releases Ver 1.26 of the SCADA+ Exploit Pack for Immunity Canvas 15 Aug 2013 | 02:41 am
Right on schedule with their next release just one month after their previous update ... Gleg announced on August 14 the release of version 1.26 of the SCADA+ Exploit Pack for the Immunity Canvas fram...
Gleg releases Ver 1.25 of the SCADA+ Exploit Pack for Immunity Canvas 11 Jul 2013 | 06:34 pm
Gleg announced on July 5 the release of version 1.25 of the SCADA+ Exploit Pack for the Immunity Canvas framework. This is keeping with their unofficial schedule of continuing to release updates to t...
More ubuntu based security cd related news:
[DOWNLOAD] Live Hacking DVD 29 Dec 2011 | 10:22 pm
Live Hacking DVD is a new Linux distribution packed with tools and utilities for ethical hacking, penetration testing and countermeasure verification. Based on Ubuntu this "Live CD" runs directly from...
Recover a file in Ubuntu 22 Apr 2012 | 10:02 pm
In our previous guide on securely wiping the hard disk and removable media via Ubuntu Live and DBAN boot CD, we discussed that Windows based disk shredding applications don’t allow wiping the disk par...
INX Is Not X : le terminal pour les nuls 17 Oct 2009 | 12:38 am
Présentation INX Is Not X est un live CD basé sur Ubuntu 8.04. Le système est en fait basé sur une installation ubuntu minimale, et dépourvue d'interface graphique. Pas d'environnement de bureau, pa...
Review of Puppy Linux 5 28 Mar 2011 | 04:18 am
Enthusiastic review of puppy linux 5 lucid puppy aka lupu, a highly versatile, lightweight linux distribution based on ubuntu lucid and oriented toward live cd use. Puppy linux 4.3.1 desktop with one ...
Installing VideoLAN 1.1.9 on Ubuntu System 23 Apr 2011 | 04:59 pm
VLC Player 1.1.9 Updated Features: Security update regarding a heap-based buffer overflow in mp4 demuxer Update of libmodplug for security reasons in Windows and Mac versions Major updates in most lan...
Which free open source operating systems can be ordered on CD for free like Ubuntu? 5 May 2011 | 03:21 pm
Question by telman_ri: Which free open source operating systems can be ordered on CD for free like Ubuntu? I want to test as many free open source ( Linux based or not ) operating system as I can, bu...