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Easily Add Images from Picasa Web Albums Directly into iPhoto [Mac Tip] 15 Oct 2009 | 01:17 am
I prefer to share photos with friends using the Picasa Web Albums service from Google. Locally, however, I manage my photos using iPhoto. I also use the Picasa software which has gotten very good with...
A List of iPhone Apps That I’m Enjoying This Week (July 10, 2009) 11 Jul 2009 | 12:00 am
This is the fourth in a series of posts where I discuss new (mostly) iPhone Apps that I have discovered. All iPhone apps in this series will be added to the more comprehensive “A List of Great iPhone ...
More ubuntu server guide related news:
How to Create Bootable Ubuntu Server 12.10 Installer USB Drive 19 Nov 2012 | 09:00 pm
Ubuntu Server Guide: This tutorial will explain how to make bootable installer usb flash drive for ubuntu server 12.10 in ubuntu desktop.
How to Create Bootable Ubuntu Server 12.10 Installer USB Drive 19 Nov 2012 | 09:00 pm
Ubuntu Server Guide: This tutorial will explain how to make bootable installer usb flash drive for ubuntu server 12.10 in ubuntu desktop.
ubuntu server mysql change data dir 13 Jul 2011 | 01:18 am
一般而言 MySQL 要改变目录储存的路径 只要修改 my.cnf 中的 datadir 可是在Ubuntu 中就會發生錯誤,造成無法啟用 mysql 其實一切都是 Ubuntu 針對 services 機制搞的鬼 Ubuntu 新增了一个机制 apparmor ,简单来讲就是限制services可以访问的位置及权限 也因為這個因素,讓我們修改了 datadir 後就完全無法動作了! ...
Ubuntu VPS Hosting 30 May 2012 | 07:29 pm
Using Debian as a foundation, the Ubuntu Server Edition, also called Ubuntu server, offers support for several common configurations, and also simplifies common Linux server deployment processes. Stan...
How To Install Ruby on Rails Ubuntu Server 11.10 11 Nov 2011 | 11:56 pm
Ruby Rails is a Web application framework created in 2004 intended as a rapid development web framework. It was intended to emphasize Convention over Configuration (CoC) meaning the developer only nee...
Cara Menghilangkan Table GNU GRUB saat booting Ubuntu Server 1 Apr 2012 | 06:07 pm
Biasanya jika proxy ubuntu mati tiba tiba akibat mati lampu atau akibat yang lainnya setelah proxy di nyalakan lagi saat booting tampil Table GNU GRUB yang harus kita tekan ENTER di keyboard supaya b...
Cara Mengganti Command Proxy Ubuntu Server dengan kata yang kita inginkan 1 Apr 2012 | 05:58 pm
Commnand default ubuntu server = Mematikan proxy = shutdown –h now Restart proxy = reboot Restart squid = /etc/init.d/squid restart Melihat sisa hardisk = df -h Melihat Hit,Miss squid= tail -f /v...
Secure your Gnome Login Screen in Ubuntu 5 Mar 2011 | 03:56 am
I was using Ubuntu for web developing purpose several years. At the beginning, I'm not so familiar with pure command line. So I started with Ubuntu Server with Gnome installation. Until I get more fam...
Ubuntu Server 下编译 sphinx 的 xmlpipe2 23 Oct 2011 | 06:43 pm
在 Ubuntu Server 默认环境下编译安装 sphinx 竟然不支持 xmlpipe2 数据源,提示 WARNING: source 'index1': xmlpipe2 support NOT compiled in. To use xmlpipe2, install missing XML libraries, reconfigure, and rebuild Sphinx 在官方...
Set up a free Dynamic DNS for your home Ubuntu server. 8 Nov 2009 | 11:05 pm
This tutorial assumes you are using Debian based linux, such as ubuntu, and you have a server set up with root privileges on a home connection. Update: Your router might already have Dynamic DNS func...