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Добавляем трей в Ubuntu Unity 3 May 2012 | 01:55 am
Многое изменилось с приходом Unity в Ubuntu. Среди изменений есть то, с чем я могу смириться, то, чему я рад, и то, что меня периодически гложет. В последнем списке, среди прочего, находится tray — си...
Platformer Progress bar 9 Feb 2011 | 10:05 am
This is something a few of you have asked me to cover recently so here it is – a Unity Tutorial on how to track player progress during the game. In order to keep your player’s attention through a pla...
Tutorial CorelDRAW 17 Feb 2012 | 04:57 pm
SE, Windows, Ubuntu, Trans Tutorial CorelDRAW ini dibuat cuma mau berbagi pengalaman, buat para pecinta grafis dan buat temen temen lagi lagi kesusahan nyari tutorial buat belajar atau referensi, ata...
Diamo a Gnome quel che è di Banshee 17 Dec 2011 | 11:04 am
Recentemente sono state molte le discussioni su LinuxMint, alcune delle quali pro, altre contro, legate in particolare al rapporto Ubuntu/Unity e la scelta di LinuxMint di passare a gnome-shell, ma un...
How to fix things when Ubuntu Unity Dock Gets Stuck 6 Nov 2011 | 01:39 pm
Upgraded to Ubuntu 11.x yet? I have, and while I was not a big fan of 11.04 (believe me, I was looking for alternatives), when 11.10 came and I’m back on the Ubuntu fanboy bandwagon! They... To read ...
Créer un raccourci Eclipse sur Ubuntu 2 Apr 2012 | 11:00 am
Un post de Lars Vogel sur la création d'un raccourci Eclipse sur Ubuntu Unity... Toujours intéressant de voir des acteurs de l'open-source conserver un peu de logique en utilisant autre chose qu'OS X ...
Desktop Slidershows für Ubuntu Unity dank Pictoric 12 Jul 2012 | 12:35 am
Ubuntu 12.04 bringt leider noch keine eingebaute Funktion für Wallpaper Slideshows mit. Doch es gibt einige Programme, die dieses Feature hinzufügen. Eines davon ist Pictoric. Das Verlangen nach Slid...
How to drag and drop files between windows in Ubuntu Unity launcher bar 2 Jul 2012 | 08:40 pm
So I like Unity, it looks nifty and the Zeitgeist launcher is so productive. One huge gripe about unity though, is that you cannot, apparently, drag&drop files between applications open in the Unity l...
How to fix things when Ubuntu Unity Dock Gets Stuck 6 Nov 2011 | 08:39 am
Upgraded to Ubuntu 11.x yet? I have, and while I was not a big fan of 11.04 (believe me, I was looking for alternatives), when 11.10 came and I’m back on the Ubuntu fanboy bandwagon! They... To read ...
Tutorial: Use Samba to Turn Your Linux Ubuntu Serv 5 Aug 2012 | 08:00 am
Tutorial: Use Samba to Turn Your Linux Ubuntu Server into A PDC (Primary Domain Controller) Hit: 1 Sre: 14:58