Most untangle my web related news are at:

5 light bulb moments from the ProBlogger Training Day 27 Oct 2011 | 09:21 pm
I’ve reams of notes as a result of last Friday’s ProBlogger Training Day in Melbourne. Many served as excellent reminders on what I should be doing and others, as light bulb moments. Here are five o...
Social media behaviour on the street: Watch the catastrophe 22 Sep 2011 | 11:05 pm
Context. Audience. Language. A message without all three factors taken into consideration, and then addressed, is destined to be a flop. And what better way to demonstrate the fact than this video I...
More untangle my web related news:
[Untangling the Web] Launch day! 4 Jul 2013 | 03:29 pm
Untangling the Web: What the Internet Is Doing to You is officially available in all good book shops today, both the digital and the bricks ‘n mortar variety. It’s been an adventure across TV, my MSc ...
[Untangling the Web] What the Web is Doing To You (Meltdown) 5 Jul 2013 | 01:57 pm
Are we doomed? Are we saved? Are we somewhere in between? I spoke at Yoko Ono’s Meltdown festival at the Southbank Centre on Sunday 23 June as part of the FutureNow weekend. The topic? The internet, ...
[Untangling the Web] On domesticity, in Libertine 8 Jul 2013 | 01:06 pm
Home is where the hub is, wrote Kat Jungnickel and Genevieve Bell in 2009. Now, in an interview about Untangling the Web: What the Internet is Doing to You for a special issue of Libertine, I speak ab...
How to search like a spy: Google’s secret hacks revealed 13 May 2013 | 09:15 am
he National Security Agency just declassified a hefty 643-page research manual called Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research (PDF) that, at least at first, doesn’t appear all that interestin...
Untangling Drupal 30 Jul 2013 | 04:00 am
I presented yesterday at the July edition of the "Untangle the Web" meetup being held at the Google Campus in London. When I was invited to speak, I was asked to give an introductory talk about Drupal...
A detangler for the net 26 Aug 2013 | 10:14 pm
I’ve just finished reading the new book Untangling the Web by social psychologist Aleks Krotoski. It turns out to be one of the best discussions I’ve yet read on how the fabric of society is meshing w...
Intro Drupal Presentation at Untangle the Web 5 Jul 2013 | 04:42 pm
Date: Mon, 29/07/2013 - 18:30 - 20:30 Hey, I'm going to be doing an introductory presentation about Drupal at Untangle the Web on 29th July. The aim is to show what kind of solutions Drupal is a go....
Complimentary Webinar: Patenting DNA 25 Jul 2013 | 07:53 pm
Join Robin Chadwick and me as we untangle the web of rulings in the upcoming webinar “Patenting DNA: Why DNA is Different and What to Do About It.” The live CLE webinar will be presented on Wednesday...
Two Degrees: Worldstrike! Daily Briefings 17 Jun 2013 | 07:48 pm
As part of Two Degrees 2013, Lewis Bassett is holding a daily Financial Times breakfast, taking the FT as a starting point from which to untangle the web of finance and track the presence of our ecolo...
10 useful time-saving keyboard shortcuts for Chrome 2 Jan 2012 | 07:11 pm
Using keyboard shortcuts to access features of application can be a great timesaver. If you spend a lot of time on the web and Chrome happens to be...