Most wave file player related news are at:

ベートーベン:ピアノソナタ第14番 嬰ハ短調 「月光」 作品27の2>>>(P)ソロモン 1952年8月21日録音 24 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
おそらくはもっとも有名なピアノ曲の一つでしょうね。 幻想曲風ソナタと題したのはベートーベン自身であり、そこからはっきりと彼がこの作品にあたえようとした音楽的な方向性を見て取ることができます。 当時のベートーベンはこのピアノソナタという形式を使って様々なチャレンジを繰り返していましたが、これもまたそのようなチャレンジの一つであることは明らかです。 とりわけ作品1の方はソナタと言いながら一つもソナ...
ブルックナー:交響曲第7番 ホ長調>>>コンヴィチュニー指揮 ライプツィヒ・ゲヴァントハウス管弦楽団 1958年録音 21 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
はじめての成功 一部では熱烈な信奉者を持っていたようですが、作品を発表するたびに惨めな失敗を繰り返してきたのがブルックナーという人でした。 そんなブルックナーにとってはじめての成功をもたらしたのがこの第7番でした。 実はこの成功に尽力をしたのがフランツ・シャルクです。今となっては師の作品を勝手に改鼠したとして至って評判は悪いのですが、この第7番の成功に寄与した彼の努力を振り返ってみれば、改鼠版...
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Lush Valley (1.51) [Dawn of War DoW2] 11 Feb 2010 | 06:52 am
Deep within the vast forest of Utopia, a dark and destructive battle took place between the armies of Ork and Chaos... Now the spoilt of war, faces another destructive wave... 4 player map Enjoy
Play back wobble 8 Nov 2011 | 12:04 pm
I’m using a restricted version of Ableton 7 and when I play back a wave file I have gotten form some other source that was not created with Ableton. It has a wobbling sound to it. How can it be correc...
MidiPiano – MIDI File Player/Recorder 26 Sep 2012 | 01:12 pm
MidiPiano is a MIDI file player, recorder and editor, Lets you can make piano quickly and easily. MidiPiano has a number of excellent educational features. As it plays a MIDI file, the piano keys used...
What is Text Aloud Software? 3 Feb 2013 | 08:06 pm
TextAloud, world’s one of the most popular Text To Speech tool. It uses voice synthesis to create spoken audio from text. You can listen on your PC or save text to MP3 or wave files for listening late...
Manually merging two wave files 16 Mar 2013 | 05:01 pm
Even though there are libraries and tools to merge two canonical wave files, here is how you can merge them manually, just in case you need to or are interested. Take one of the files and add the seco...
Manually concatenating two wave files 16 Mar 2013 | 05:01 pm
Even though there are libraries and tools to concatenate two canonical wave files, here is how you can do it manually, just in case you need to or are interested. Take one of the files and add the sec...
Apex Software to Combine WAV Files (Shareware) 15 Dec 2012 | 03:57 pm
Wave files joiner software combines two or more wav files.
EMC Syncplicity Named a Leader in Forrester Wave: File Sync and Share Platforms Q3 2013 16 Jul 2013 | 08:58 am
We're excited to be positioned as a “Leader” by Forrester Research, Inc. in its July 2013 report, “The Forrester Wave™: File Sync and Share Platforms, Q3 2013!” Forrester evaluated 16 of the most sign...
Running the Wave: New Blood 21 Aug 2013 | 11:05 am
With the new wave of players, the sense of excitement is palatable. With the American Airlines Center dormant for the first time during the playoffs since Mark Cuban took over the team, the Mavs made ...
IBM Connections Cited as a Leader in File Sharing and Sync 10 Jul 2013 | 06:45 pm
Amazing news to share today! IBM was among the vendors Forrester Research invited to participate in their latest Forrester Wave: File Share and Sync, 3Q 2013 . In this report, IBM SmartCloud for Socia...