Most western civilization and sex related news are at:

Third Parties And The False Abuse Industry 22 Aug 2013 | 04:13 am
Do you think you’re safe from the false abuse industry because your wife/girlfriend would never make a false accusation against you? For the sake of argument, let’s assume that’s the case. Better ye...
Guest Content 19 Aug 2013 | 06:47 am
Recently, there has been some interest in having me feature some guest content in the blog. The first was this cartoon from EvilWhiteMaleEmpire. I was recently sent the following by a regular reader...
More western civilization and sex related news:
Wall Street, U.S. Gov. and E.U. Will be Responsible for the Collapse of Western Civilization 25 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
Our Latest Published Articles Economic Recovery or Collapse? Bet on Collapse – Financial Crisis Could Destroy Western Civilization By: Paul_Craig_Roberts The US financial system and, probably, the fi...
Welcome! 10 Oct 2008 | 06:27 pm
Byzantine Walls are used here as a symbol of the union of power and spirit in Byzantium. Byzantine Walls is a network of free blogs that focus on some aspect of the western civilization, whatever that...
You Call That Health Reform? 14 Dec 2009 | 10:20 am
These days when people ask about health reform, I’m reminded of Gandhi’s visit to England in 1931. Somebody asked him what he thought of “Western civilization” and his answer was, “I think it would be...
Achtung Zombi: 5 Undead National Socialists 13 Jun 2010 | 06:47 pm
After 65 years, the world is still collectively squeamish at the thought of the heart of Western Civilization committing spiritual and intellectual suicide. The Nazis still loom in our memory. Low bro...
Maqui Berry – The History 22 May 2012 | 02:39 am
The latest discovery on western civilizations radar, the maqui berry could easily be mistaken for something that has only recently cropped up. Having not heard about something and then hearing about i...
Attractive Hotel Deals In Rome 19 May 2012 | 09:18 am
Rome is Italy’s largest and most populous city. Rome’s history spans over two and a half thousand years. It is one of the founding cities of Western Civilization and is famous for its historical monum...
Citizens in Ideal Society Share in Running the State in a Democracy 14 Apr 2011 | 12:01 pm
Classical Greek ideals are considered to be the foundation of Western civilization and to have influenced all aspects of modern western culture. Inhabitants of classical Greece believed that society f...
Quigley on Georgetown, 1967 23 May 2012 | 04:57 am
The Hebrews and the Greeks, who are our cultural parents, and our own western civilization descended from these two, have always agreed that the only sin, or at least the greatest sin, is pride, a par...
EFFECTS OF OBESITY 29 Oct 2010 | 10:13 pm
In the US and the rest of the western world being fat is no fun. True, in times by gone, and in some parts of the world, it is considered a symbol of wealth and fertility, but Western civilization ...
" 18 Mar 2008 | 07:04 pm
I think it would be a good idea. Mahatma Gandhi, when asked what he thought of Western civilization A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject....