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2 Ways to Know Knoxify (and Knoxville) are Still Alive 29 Dec 2012 | 08:02 pm
Our flagship site (this one) has collected some dust over the past few months and things aren’t ticking like they used to. However, we’re still alive and kicking. As we’re sure our loyal fans know, K...
2 Ways to Know Knoxify (and Knoxville) are Still Alive 29 Dec 2012 | 08:02 pm
If you didn't know already, here are 2 outlets to follow to know that Knoxify if alive and Knoxville is still a vibrant place to eat, sleep and play. Photo by Joel Kramer. 2 Ways to Know Knoxify (and...
More what does balance mean related news:
Don't Be Serious, Be Sincere !! 4 Sep 2012 | 07:39 pm
Don’t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace...
What Energy Balance Means for a Family 30 Jul 2013 | 07:47 pm
With my two girls out of school for the summer, we have been finding & creating many activities to fill our days. In some odd way, I am finding that we (meaning I) am actually busier in the summer tha...
Big Calorie Deficits Are Causing You Big Problems 23 Jun 2013 | 05:59 pm
The key to weight loss is to create a negative energy balance, meaning more calories are expended or burned than are taken in or eaten. But what happens when the negative energy balance becomes too ex...
How a Healthy lifestyle Can Bring Life Balance 18 Jul 2013 | 10:06 am
Life balance means different things to different people. However, it is generally perceived to mean that you are happy with the time that you are spending in the different areas of your life. This is ...
Great Bolsover Cruise Club 21 Sep 2011 | 09:22 pm
Planning on-shore excursions can be a scary experience for somebody who has by no means been on a cruise before. There are so many options to choose from, so first time cruisers may get overwhelmed by...
Prescription Drug Treatment Program on Your Terms 23 Sep 2011 | 12:37 pm
Drug treatment is never easy. But that doesn’t mean it has to be a miserable experience. On the contrary, the private prescription drug treatment programs administered by luxury drug treatment centers...
Dogs Welcome at MLB Dog Days Baseball Games! 20 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
Subject: Take Pup Out to the Ball Game Major League Baseball is in full swing, and that means it's time to get your dog ready to root, root, root for the home team! Get tickets to your local team’s D...
Learn and write..there are always two sides to every story 13 Jun 2011 | 04:14 pm
Assalamualaikum. I don't know if there are still readers out there who read my blog since it has been lack of update, i mean a real decent post. The last one was on March 3rd about the final exam, an...
Beginners Guide – 5 Easy Ways to Make Money Online 23 Feb 2012 | 05:52 am
The internet offers plenty of moneymaking opportunities for individuals who want to take advantage of it and have the means to. If you are one of the many people out there who are looking for a way to... 19 Sep 2008 | 07:00 am
Welcome to my personal blog. While Google is a play on googol, too is a play on the much smaller number - two. It also means "in addition", as this blog reflects my life outside of work.