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“Watching Fireworks Alone” by Emma Törzs 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Download audio file (TorzFireworks.mp3) Emma Törzs WATCHING FIREWORKS ALONE In this country, we are sent home with lice—we trade it back and forth and learn to catch the bodies in our nails, sch...
“Another Things That Amazes Me” by Sarah Pemberton Strong 26 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Sarah Pemberton Strong ANOTHER THING THAT AMAZES ME Is how, on the rush hour subway, everyone harbors beneath their dripping coats a set of genitals. No one can look anyone else in the eye, so ob...
More what teachers make related news:
A labor day poem for teachers 7 Sep 2009 | 07:01 pm
Taylor Mali, slam poet, gives his mind on what teachers make.
What Teachers Make 27 Oct 2011 | 12:51 am
After two months of being busy at work and seeing improvement with the kids behavior, work independence and collaborative learning. I feel like it’s time to get pool heat pumps and jump into the pool ...
Maryellen’s List of the Three Worst Mistakes Faculty Make 23 May 2011 | 12:53 am
Would it surprise you to learn that college teachers make mistakes? There are mistakes that college teachers make that we should work to avoid. These mistakes comprise efforts to learn, and they inhib...
What Happens When Non-Teachers Make Decisions? Stupid Ideas That Ultimately Hurt Your Kids 10 Jun 2011 | 09:05 pm
I received word my soon-to-be former high school is adopting a new printing policy. Instead of having individual printers in teacher's rooms, the school is making several "printer rooms" where lots o...
Why Good Teachers Makes Us Bad Business Writers 16 Nov 2011 | 06:25 am
Does high school teach us to write in a way that’s counterproductive in the real world? Most high schools teach us to write in a formal, literary style, usually by studying the ‘classics.’ But does t...
Maryellen’s List of the Three Worst Mistakes Faculty Make 22 May 2011 | 08:53 pm
Would it surprise you to learn that college teachers make mistakes? There are mistakes that college teachers make that we should work to avoid. These mistakes comprise efforts to learn, and they inhib...
Rockstar Honor Roll Ceremony 4 Dec 2012 | 07:46 pm
Our teachers make school so exciting – here they are dressed as rockstars for an honor roll ceremony.
Ermöglichungsdidaktiker auf dem Holzweg? 12 Jan 2013 | 05:12 pm
Nach J. Hattie kommt es im Schulunterricht ganz wesentlich auf den Lehrer an. The „Teachers make a difference“. Das belegt eine von ihm durchgeführte Metaanalyse von rund 800 Studien. Anders gesagt: ...
School Choice: A Teacher Speaks 1 Apr 2013 | 10:05 pm
Allow dollars to follow the child. A Texas teacher makes her case for school choice: Texas has increased education spending 95% with a 19% increase in school age population while test scores are flat....
Teachers' Day (India) (Sep 5, 2013) 27 Aug 2013 | 02:19 pm
It's Teachers' Day (India)! Express your indebtedness and show your deep respect for your teachers. Make them feel happy by sending our bright ecards... more » Popular Cards » Best Teacher Ever! Ha...