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リアーナ、人気ラッパーのエイサップ・ロッキーと熱愛!? 19 Aug 2013 | 03:18 pm
午前3時のニューヨークで、男性と親しげに寄り添う歌手リアーナの姿をキャッチ! お相手は、若くして注目を浴びているニューヨーク、ハーレム出身のラッパー エイサップ・ロッキー(24歳)。 クリス・ブラウンと破局と復縁を繰り返す微妙な恋愛をしてきたリアーナですが、ここに来て新恋人か… ニューヨークでエイサップ・ロッキーと一緒のところをキャッチされたリアーナ。(2013年08月15日撮影、アメリカ/...
ビヨンセ効果!?美人スパモ&女優がショートヘアにイメチェン! 16 Aug 2013 | 01:14 pm
7日に、豊かなロングヘアをばっさり切ってショートヘアにイメージチェンジした姿をinstagramに投稿し話題を呼んだ歌姫ビヨンセ。 ピクシーヘアにしたビヨンセ。(2013年08月09日撮影)(C)REX FEATURES/アフロ そんなビヨンセの姿に影響されてか(!?)、この度人気のスーパーモデル ココ・ロシャと女優イザベラ・ルーカスもショートヘアにイメージチェンジ! ココはヘアカットの様子...
More window seat related news:
Views from a window seat 18 May 2009 | 01:39 pm
Little Birdies in the Windows 1 Feb 2012 | 01:11 am
Having a straw bale house automatically means we have deep set windows. Had I put more thought into and not been blown away by look of curved walls, I would have made every window into a window seat. ...
Winter visitors 9 Jan 2010 | 05:17 am
We thought we were done with the round of seasonal visitors, with Christmas and New Year all wrapped up and packed away for another year. And then today, sitting on the window-seat in the kitchen afte...
Empty Dreams! 28 Jun 2011 | 05:27 am
I play loud music I read my favorite book By the window seat I sit To forget the pain, I just stare out How am I suppose to feel when I see you sitting next to her Laughing at her silly jokes Trying ...
Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 October D-Day and Delhi 6 Feb 2011 | 04:13 am
We left Gatwick with Emirates at 10am in bright sunshine and later enjoyed the wonderful sunset which lasted almost to Dubai. I was delighted to have obtained a window seat so that I was able to feel ...
Buying foreign car parts online 7 Nov 2011 | 10:35 pm
Car parts can be anything including tiers, steering wheels, radiator, trim package, door beams, door handles, sunroof, window seat etc. As a car owner, you will defiantly buy these Car parts at one ti...
Erykah Badu's "Window Seat" 31 Mar 2010 | 02:10 am
Singer/musician Erykah Badu returns with a thought-provoking new video "Window Seat" taken from her the new full-length recording, New Amerykah Part Two: Return of the Ankh. Categories: Erykah Ba...
Window Seat Cushion could help you change the mood to whatever feeling you are looking for 2 Apr 2011 | 02:15 pm
Window seat cushions can beautify any seating area when chosen carefully to match the indoor décor, giving your room a vibrant atmosphere. Most online window seat cushion dealers request their custome...
5 Breathtaking Views of Cancun 15 Jul 2011 | 03:55 am
Image by conbon33 There are a few reasons why Cancun is one of the most popular beach destinations, one reason being the amazing views! When flying to Cancun, I always ask for the window seat, so I ...
The Art of Creative Thinking 4 Mar 2006 | 04:23 pm
Julieanne Kost has posted 18 Steps to effective creative thinking. The excerpt is from her book called Window Seat. If you are feeling a bit uncreative then by all means read Julieannes advice by [ c...