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More winter melon plant related news:
Growing Herbs in the Winter 22 Jan 2011 | 06:40 am
You can bring your herb garden indoors for the winter, by planting a windowsill garden. Many herb plants grow quite easily in containers and require only minimal care. You’ll be snipping fresh herbs i...
冬瓜茶 Winter Melon Tea 22 Nov 2012 | 10:06 pm
冬瓜茶是台灣傳統的飲料,已有上百年歷史,主要是以冬瓜加上砂糖熬煮而成。後來因為泡沫紅茶和珍珠奶茶的興起,冬瓜茶的製作變成了夕陽工業而面臨被淘汰,不過近年崇尚健康飲食潮流,這種天然健康的飲料,又漸漸受到青睞。 冬瓜茶的製作材料雖然簡單又平宜,但製作過程卻是全手工,無法用機器代替,非常耗費時間和人力,因而無法大量化生產。首先要選擇合適的冬瓜,太嫩的瓜含水分太多,熬煮較費時,應選擇肉質較紮實,比較老一...
Feb 22-24 Holistic Mid-Winter Retreat 5 Feb 2013 | 03:30 am
Plant based nutrition, yoga and meditation retreat with Tash Scott and Mehrnaz Massoudi -Manage stress – Boost your immune system – Acquire empowerment tools $425 (discounted rate is available for sha...
Watermelon Rind 2 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
I didn't know that watermelon rind was edible. When the green skin is removed, the light green rind is still hard but edible. It's texture reminds me of cucumber, winter melon but much denser. I tried...
[通少食譜]韓風冬瓜5層肉 (Stew pork belly with winter melon in Korean soy bean sauce) 13 Aug 2013 | 06:50 am
[Prep 準備: 10 minutes | Cook 烹調: 35 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: 320 per serving ] 列印 Print (Password: tony) .: 材料 Ingredients :. 1- 五花腩400克 (Pork belly, 400g).....
Bloom Day in a Kitchen Garden, July 2013 16 Jul 2013 | 12:14 pm
One hill of Prescott Fond Blanc melon plants is in bloom. So far I’ve seen only male flowers. Even beaten up at the end of the day they throw a bit of color from under the deep green leaves of the vin...
How to plant and rake without the ache 24 Mar 2012 | 08:24 am
How to plant and rake without the ache (NC)—Winter takes a toll on your garden, but spring takes a toll on the gardener. Gardening season and back pain often go hand in hand, but positioning your bod...
Plantation des tomates dans la serre 23 May 2012 | 07:49 pm
Voilà, j'ai planté mes tomates dans la serre à tomates ! Ca va etre de la culture intensive ! 7 plans de tomates + salade + melons et les deux potées d'aubergines ! reste plus qu'à pailler ! je met au...
How To Treat Cold Damaged Foxtail Palm Trees 5 Nov 2011 | 01:21 am
Question: Hi. I have 3 Foxtail Palms that are approx. 15 feet tall. They were planted approx. 3 years ago. I live in Florida and as you know we had a long, cold winter. All of the branches were brown,...
How to Grow Indoor Plants 12 Jan 2012 | 03:52 am
Indoor plants, or if you prefer, houseplants not only add a little more life to the inside of your home but keep those gardening skills going during the winter. Your indoor plants need care just as th...