Most zeus jones related news are at:

fallon wins chrysler 5 Dec 2009 | 10:23 am
On Monday a certain very senior Broadcast Producer walked up to my desk and told me that Fallon had won the Chrylser account. I laughed it off, to be honest. Well, I laughed it off after checking Agen...
angry consumer calls ad agency president 25 Nov 2009 | 06:57 am
It’s not masochism, but for some reason I like to read the consumer complaints that come through the business of one of the clients that I work on. Man’s capacity for unbridled emotion over trivialiti...
More zeus jones related news:
LovelyPackage: Zeus Jones PR%F: Designed by Zeus Jones | Country: United States “Many of us at Zeus Jones are fans ... #packagin... 3 Jan 2012 | 06:16 am
LovelyPackage: Zeus Jones PR%F: Designed by Zeus Jones | Country: United States “Many of us at Zeus Jones are fans ... #packaging
Two charts that help explain what we do. 12 Mar 2013 | 10:50 pm
Zeus Jones has never defined itself a “digital agency” and our work often combines digital and real-world activities. More and more, the kind of work we do is being thought of more broadly as “always-...
A Celebration of the Greatness of Benedict Cumberbatch 22 Mar 2013 | 08:31 pm
For personal enjoyment only, and to celebrate the greatness of Benedict Cumberbatch, a few of us at Zeus Jones collaborated on this quick t-shirt design. We plan on getting a number of them screen pri...
5 Tips for Creative Intern Candidates As They Begin Their Homework Assignments 12 Apr 2013 | 03:19 am
In the interest of helping you succeed at being awesome and getting an internship at Zeus Jones, we put together some quick tips to help give you an edge. 1. Don’t be sloppy Pay attention to the detai...
Portfolio 101 – Advice from ZJ Designers Who’ve Been Through It 12 Apr 2013 | 09:11 pm
We’re always hosting design student tours at Zeus Jones. I remember these tours when I was a student being pretty fun and inspiring. The most memorable was when I got to visit Spunk. I just remember h...
Become a Part of Our “Pets of Lyndale” Project at Open Streets 10 Jun 2013 | 08:28 pm
Do you live Uptown? Do you have a pet? Do you plan to head to Open Streets MPLS on Sunday June 23rd and hang out? Then we urge you to bring your pet and visit us at Zeus Jones. (Only if your pet is co...
“Business is changing” 2 May 2013 | 06:52 pm
Business is changing and everyone is about to realize it. Here is a massive presentation by the excellent Andrian Ho from Zeus Jones. The work of this agency is very inspiring and always based on the ...
The Cash Code 15 Jun 2010 | 04:32 am
Dear Fellow Internet Marketer; Here’s the deal; Michael Jones has been making a name for himself over the years as one of the brightest minds in affiliate marketing and traffic generation in the ind...
Ground breaking double lung transplant operation performed 20 Jun 2011 | 06:40 pm
LONDON: A Manchester hospital has carried out a double lung transplant on a cystic fibrosis patient whose life was threatened by a fungal infection. Dubliner Becky Jones, 20, was airlifted to Wythens...
Austin Collie 4 Oct 2011 | 03:37 pm
Hornets point guard Chris Paul knifes past the Lakers39 Kobe Bryant. Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez 11 and wide receiver Austin Collie 17. Kaeding for a kicker and T Jones for Cadd...