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I'm back 8 Dec 2008 | 09:40 pm
I’ve been away for a while taking care of “real life”, I had been thinking maybe I’m not destined to blog. Yet, its time to renew several of my domains and I just can’t part with this one nor can I se...
Hi 27 Mar 2009 | 08:24 am
Hi Guys called Jennifer ..glad i could join this funk blog ..i hope to enjoy this experience in this forum ..tata!!!!!!!!!1
I'm back 8 Dec 2008 | 04:40 pm
I’ve been away for a while taking care of “real life”, I had been thinking maybe I’m not destined to blog. Yet, its time to renew several of my domains and I just can’t part with this one nor can I se...
How Proactive Customer Profiling Can Win the Day 19 Dec 2012 | 04:00 pm
Who are your customers, and what will they buy from you next? "Beyond Purchase Histories," a post that Paul McConville wrote for the Destination CRM blog last week, offers some useful advice on how to...
Quelques illustrations 9 Jan 2013 | 10:54 pm
Bon, vu que je n'ai pas produit de BD pour le blog dernièrement, une, pourtant très courte, étant restée en plan, je vous mets ici des dessins qui ne sont habituellement pas destinés au blog que j'ess...
October Fourth Friday Travel Fave: Turn Right at Machu Picchu 26 Oct 2012 | 12:55 pm
Have a favorite travel “something” from the past month? It could be a book, gadget, destination, article, blog, event, anything. I do, and once a month I’ll post my favorite and explain my pick. What...
Top 5 des destinations nature! 27 Jun 2013 | 05:30 pm
Blog voyage Voyageur indépendant - Apprenez à voyager en indépendant grâce à mon blog voyage La nature, avec les rencontres, est selon moi ce qui nous apporte le plus en voyage. Les destinations n’of...
Website Traffic: The Benefit of Inbound Marketing via Blogging 26 Jul 2011 | 11:16 pm
When you first publish a website, it is like putting up a billboard in the middle of the desert; no one knows it is there. Traffic generation, similar to building a highway to a physical destination...
On peut commencer n'importe où ... tiens, même par le commencement ... 24 Oct 2005 | 11:59 pm
Bienvenue sur ce blog consacré à la musique, au cinema, à la litterature ..etc.. en bref, a tout ce que j'aime ... Ce blog n'est en fait que le prolongement de PhenixLife destiné a faire connaitre ce...
Rare Funk Radio ** returned 31 Mar 2012 | 03:34 am
Nacht-Blog - geschlafen wird nicht... | Rare Funk Radio ** returned RFR – Rare Funk Radio – kehrt zurück! Das Webradio RFR ist zurück und geht ab dem 01.04.2012 (und das ist kein Aprilscherz ^^) wied...