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More New Atkins Diet related news:
Getting Started With The Atkins Diet 15 Mar 2012 | 04:14 am
::cck::100164::/cck:: ::introtext:: The Atkins Diet has been gaining more and more ground recently, being preferred over traditional low-fat diets. But what makes Atkins so special? Here is a short o...
New Moms – Diets To Lose Weight Fast 28 Feb 2012 | 06:31 am
“9 months to put it on and 9 months to get if off”…says who? Regardless of where we are in our post-baby weight loss journey, we have to start somewhere; so let’s get going! Here are 5 different diet ...
The Diet Solution Program 4 Mar 2009 | 01:31 pm
So just what is The Diet Solution Program? As you probably know most of the new fad diets focus on removing primary food composition categories; that is, fats, carbohydrates, or proteins. Even though ...
Curated Articles For Atkins Diet 30 Dec 2011 | 01:51 am
Recently I’ve seen a lot of websites and books make comparisons between the Paleo Diet and the Atkins diet. “It’s like Atkins,” they say, “but you can eat fruit!” I understand that a lot of people in ...
Diet Doc HCG Diet Announces New Site to Help Dieters With Q&A Regarding HCG Diet 20 May 2012 | 07:41 pm
Los Angeles, CA March 12, 2012 Diet Doc HCG Diet announces new HCG diet forum to answer common question of HCG dieters. Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss is the only safe, prescription HCG diet in ...
Disclosing Atkins Diet 11 Aug 2010 | 08:11 am
Medical studies have shown and nutritionist have long known that a high protein diet which includes fruit and green vegetables but has low amounts of starchy carbohydrates will lower cholesterol and t...
South Africa's only truly Natural Wellness Centre 9 Oct 2009 | 04:11 am
Do you have a burning desire to change unhealthy lifestyle habits? A healthy lifestyle should become a new permanent way of life and not just a new temporary diet fad. Welcome to better energy, bett...
Beware of Diet Bias! 26 Feb 2012 | 04:47 pm
Since quitting sugar on October 24th, 2011, I’ve adopted a low carbohydrate, moderate protein, and high fat diet. Basically, the Atkins diet. That’s been going really well. Though I’ve lost a lot of ...
Online health and beauty sites 21 Oct 2010 | 07:39 am
weight loss centre Why to try fad diets like atkins diet, cabbage soup diet,egg only diet and so on. Come to corniche for loosing weight naturally. Raspberry ketone is sometimes an enzyme that is fou...
17 Day Diet 23 Aug 2011 | 05:13 am
A new viral diet craze is sweeping across the Internet courtesy of a physician from San Diego, California. This new method of weight loss has been heralded as both highly effective and simple. The 17-...