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ExHubris: Post game analysis 24 Oct 2007 | 10:37 pm
The demise of Exubera has received a lot of insightful & funny coverage in various blogs that Pharmalyst reads (PharmaGiles, PharmaGossip, Pharmalot, Pharma Marketing Blog etc). Pharmalot's redaders h...
Why I work in healthcare (ok, I'll say it: pharma) marketing 10 Dec 2011 | 04:39 am
Almost two years ago now, I left the world of retail agencies to join up with a specialist: one of the leading healthcare marketing organizations in the world. It was a good opportunity to refocus on ...
Why I work in healthcare (ok, I'll say it: pharma) marketing 9 Dec 2011 | 11:39 pm
Almost two years ago now, I left the world of retail agencies to join up with a specialist: one of the leading healthcare marketing organizations in the world. It was a good opportunity to refocus on ...
Pharma Marketing Think Tank: The Future of Digital 25 Mar 2013 | 01:42 am
PM360 enlisted the help of digital experts from across the industry to learn what to expect from digital in 2013. They asked them: • What is the next big trend that everyone will be talking about this...
What Pharma Marketers Can Learn from Lady Gaga 26 Apr 2013 | 07:16 am
A few years ago, David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan came out with a great book called Marketing Lessons from The Grateful Dead . As a marketing executive who also happens to be a long-time Deadhea...
Auf den Zahn gefühlt: Was bringt integriertes Pharma-Marketing wirklich? 9 Jul 2013 | 08:11 pm
Wir arbeiten jetzt schon seit längerem mit Patric Jarchow, Geschäftsführer beim Beratungsunternehmen Across Health und Gastautor in unserem Blog, bei diversen integrierten (oder auch Multi-Channel- bz...
Was bringt integriertes Pharma-Marketing wirklich? 13 Jun 2013 | 07:14 pm
Domino Kampung Arab, Sunday Market #3 NYC, Piknik Akustik x LOS 26 Jul 2013 | 10:19 am
Tautan Pekan kembali menghadirkan kumpulan berita dan cerita dari Ayorek, media dan platform yang sedang kami olah bersama berbagai individu dan komunitas untuk merekam, menghubungkan dan menyebarluas...
Gijs Hubben to speak at Marketing, Commercial & SFE Summits 22 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm
The annual Pharma Marketing and Pharma Commercial & Sales Force Effectiveness Summits are being held in Berlin this year, on 24-26 September. Next Event Pharma SFE and Marketing Summit 24-26 Sept CE...
Join KnowledgeView 6 Aug 2009 | 06:32 pm
Title: Sales and Marketing Executive The applicant must have good university degree with a track record in business development activities in the MENA region. The applicant must be fluent in Arabic, ...