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More ascii facepalm related news:
asciibin – ASCII to Binary to ASCII Converter 27 Nov 2011 | 04:03 pm
Behold the raw power of ASCII to binary conversion done via a small JavaScript function. Enter text in the left box and convert it into binary to tabbing out of the box or clicking the ‘update’ butto...
TRUCOS FACEBOOK 17 Apr 2012 | 05:11 am
Para usarlas debes copiarlas desde acá y pegarlas donde quieras. Figuras de arte ascii y símbolos para el día del hombre: ╔══╗──╔╦═╗╔══╦╗ ║═╦╩╦╗╠╬═║╚╗╗╠╬═╗ ║╔╣╩╣╚╣║═╣╔╩╝║║╬╚╗ ╚╝╚═╩═╩╩═╝╚══╩╩══╝ ─╔╗─...
Tips Bikin Status Facebook Jadi Menarik 7 Aug 2009 | 12:32 pm
Selamat malam sobat facebookholic semua, malam ini tips facebook yang akan gw bagikan - sedikit informasi tentang kode Status Symbols di facebook layaknya kode ASCII guna mempercantik status kamu di f...
TextToPix 1.1 31 Oct 2008 | 03:00 pm
Anda ingin membuat lukisan yang di susun melalui kombinasi teks atau huruf ASCII. Dengan memanfaatkan program TextToPix 1.1, Anda dapat dengan mudah dan efesien membuat lukisan tersebut. Program ini...
SFTP transfer modes in SharpSSH 25 Feb 2009 | 07:59 am
One question I get often about SharpSSH is whether its SFTP implementation support binary vs. ASCII transfer modes. Well, file transfers in SharpSSH (and of course in JSch as well for that matter) ar...
HTML Number to ASCII Character 22 May 2012 | 03:14 am
I found and changed the code to work for me: function unhtmlentities($string) { // replace numeric entities $string = preg_replace('~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\\1"))', $string); $string =...
Cool shapes made with facebook symbols. facebook ascii art. 8 May 2011 | 03:00 pm
Except basic facebook symbols that represents frequent used symbols and special characters and facebook symbols that is rare ones, there is also cool and funny shapes that have been made of all this s...
Halloween facebook symbols 7 May 2011 | 12:01 pm
This is a amazing collection of shapes and ascii art made with facebook symbols about Halloween. HALLOWEEN TEXT FACEBOOK SYMBOLS: • Happy Halloween status. Halloween Keyboard symbols : нαppy нαllow...
Christmas Facebook Symbols 6 May 2011 | 01:50 pm
Hello friends. We have created and compiled this amazing collection of ascii art shapes for Christmas. Enjoy sharing these Christmas collection with your family and friends. We wish you a Merry Christ...
New Year 2012 Facebook Symbols 6 May 2011 | 01:00 pm
Hello friends. We have created and compiled this amazing collection of ascii art shapes for New Year 2012. Enjoy sharing these Happy New Year facebook symbols with family and friends. We wish you a Ha...