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The Games Social People Play 27 Sep 2010 | 06:40 am
Gaming is the third most used tactic by companies in the scramble to drive differentation in the Rise of Social Commerce, As companies cross the chasm of being social for social’s sake to defining an...
Crossing the Chasm 27 Apr 2012 | 01:47 pm
This is the bestselling guide that created a new game plan for marketing in high-tech industries. Crossing the Chasm has become the bible for brining cutting-edge products to progressively larger mark...
The I-Pad and the Healthcare Vertical 14 Aug 2010 | 01:55 am
I have to admit, I am going out today and buying one. This device has finally crossed the chasm and I think Apple may have a real shot at making a mobile computing platform for healthcare “finally” ta...
Lecture IMTelkom MM-Biztel: Crossing The Chasm And Competing Technologies 25 Jan 2010 | 06:10 pm
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:Lecture IMTelkom MM-Biztel: Crossing The Chasm And Competing TechnologiesView moredocuments fromDjadja Sardjana.
Stop Crossing the Chasm! Start Growing the Long Tail! 23 Mar 2011 | 05:45 am
It’s time to question and even throw out many of the strategies in Geoffrey Moore’s iconic book, Crossing the Chasm. It’s been 20 years since Moore wrote the first edition, and it has become a staple...
Rich Media on the Web: Crossing the Chasm part2 27 Jun 2010 | 04:46 pm
Multimedia Studies 102 UP Open University BA Multimedia Studies Group Assignment #1
Business Model Analysis, Part 8: Crossing the Chasm 30 Jul 2011 | 12:29 am
This post is part of a series on business model analysis for entrepreneurs. The first post in the series presents a comprehensive list of issues (available as a downloadable PDF) entrepreneurs should ...
Crossing the Chasm 27 Apr 2012 | 09:47 am
This is the bestselling guide that created a new game plan for marketing in high-tech industries. Crossing the Chasm has become the bible for brining cutting-edge products to progressively larger mark...
Crossing the Chasm: an Insider’s Perspective on Media Measurement 15 Sep 2012 | 11:43 pm
Mass adoption of Attribution and Advanced Analytics will happen when Advertisers start demanding better metrics, deeper insights and demonstrable improvement in ROI from their agencies.
Inside Wisconsin: Crossing the chasm: How UW-Madison can be more open for business 23 Aug 2013 | 05:03 pm
Hector De Luca, Rock Mackie and Richard Davidson have the kind of academic credentials their academic colleagues at UW-Madison and far beyond admire. DeLuca is synonymous with innovation in Vitamin D ...