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Teslan Power Cell Technology 10 Sep 2012 | 02:12 am
It is safe to say that Teslan is the mightiest inventor that Monstru has ever seen (aside from perhaps Mig Nola, who is not mentioned in any modern books on the subject.) He is said to have invented “...
Motorvale 3 Sep 2012 | 04:22 am
Motorvale used to manufacture the best lodestone compasses, but all of that changed 300 years ago when all of the Rig companies went out of business. Today, there are a few Warlocks who know how to re...
More dr. duke davis related news:
Podcast #25: Wheat Belly with Dr. William Davis, MD 3 May 2012 | 02:53 am
Exclusive Interview: Dr. William Davis, MD William Davis, MD, is a preventive cardiologist whose unique approach to diet allows him to advocate reversal, not just prevention, of heart disease. He is ...
Europe Embraces Cell Phone Safety 24 May 2012 | 05:32 am
Image coutesy of Teemu Launis In a whirlwind pre-Mother’s Day tour of European nations, Dr. Devra Davis met with leaders of government and industry to discuss potential risks of cell phone usage. Whil...
Europe Embraces Cell Phone Safety 24 May 2012 | 01:32 am
Image coutesy of Teemu Launis In a whirlwind pre-Mother’s Day tour of European nations, Dr. Devra Davis met with leaders of government and industry to discuss potential risks of cell phone usage. Whil...
Wheat Belly Book Number 1 7 Aug 2012 | 12:20 pm
I’m guessing wheat farmers everywhere won’t like this news.. Wheat Belly, the book which advocates the elimination of wheat from our diet by Dr. William Davis is number 1 on the New York Times best s...
Moderne hvete er den “perfekte, kroniske giften” 4 Sep 2012 | 10:36 pm
Moderne hvete er en “perfekt, kronisk gift”, ifølge Dr. William Davis, en kardiolog som har utgitt en bok om verdens mest populære korn. Se intervjuet i videoen over og les hele artikkelen på cbsnews....
Modern Wheat: The Perfect Chronic Poison 9 Sep 2012 | 09:26 am
Cardiologist Dr. William Davis calls modern wheat the "perfect, chronic poison". He claims modern wheat is a mutation that contains a new protein called gliadin which acts like an opiate causing us to...
The Obama-Romney Election from Hell 30 Oct 2012 | 08:39 am
Another insightful video by Dr. David Duke. In this one, Dr. Duke explains how the next presidential election is under the control of Zionist-controlled Hollywood and Wall Street...M
Wheat, gliadin, zonulin, auto immune, inflammation and you! Yes You! 22 Jan 2013 | 11:22 pm
Dr. William Davis, author of the NY Times bestseller, Wheat Belly, recently attended a conference in which Dr. Alessio Fasano spoke. Dr. Fasano is a noted celiac disease investigator who has dissected...
Did You Know Wheat Bread Breaks Down Quicker to Sugar than a Snickers Bar?... 15 May 2013 | 09:48 pm
He's been on Oprah and he's coming to our Healthy Happy Hour in Kansas City on June 4th, 2013...Dr. William Davis, cardiologist and author of Wheat Belly; Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight. If you are ...
Are Potential Non-Celeb Breast Cancer Patients Priced out of Prevention and Treatment? 24 May 2013 | 08:03 am
Breast cancer expert, Dr. Devra Davis’ Afterthoughts on the Angelina Jolie announcement The press and the public lauded actress Angelina Jolie recent health decision to diminish her risk of breast can...