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Training 02/07/2011 4 Jul 2011 | 08:47 pm
2 x 16 kg was used BJW #2 10 C&P 20 Swing 10 C&P 10 C&FS 10 C&P 5/5 TGU 10 C&P 10 Snatch 10 C&P Farmer Walk (Double 16kg) 3 x Overhead ~50m, Rack ~50 m, Suitcase ~50m
Training 28/06/2011 28 Jun 2011 | 07:10 pm
1 x 24 kg was used BJW #3 1x 5/5 C&FS 5/5 C&P 5/5 C&FS 10 Power Swing 5/5 C&FS 5/5 TGU 5/5 C&FS 5/5 Snatch 5/5 C&FS Farmer Walk (1 x 24kg) Overhead L ~50m / R ~50m, Rack L ~50m / R ~50m, Suitcase L ....
Training 27/06/2011 28 Jun 2011 | 12:03 am
2 x 24 kg was used BJW #2 5/5 C&P 10 Swing 5/5 C&P 5/5 C&FS 5/5 C&P 3/3 TGU 5/5 C&P 5/5 Snatch 5/5 C&P Farmer Walk (Double 24kg) Overhead ~40m, Rack ~25 m, Suitcase ~50m
Training 24/06/2011 24 Jun 2011 | 07:36 pm
1 x 32 kg was used 1 x BJW#1 10 DH Swing 5/5 C&P 10 DH Swing 5/5 C&FS 10 DH Swing 3/3 TGU 10 DH Swing 5/5 Snatch 10 DH Swing Farmer Walk Left: 25m Overhead, 25m Rack, 25m Suitcase w/o rest Right: 25m...
RKC II 2. nap 15 Aug 2010 | 05:31 pm
Túléltem. Éppen hogy, de túléltem... viking push press vo2 max, 10+ kör focipálya -domb majd vissza farmer walk min. 32 kg-mal és egyéb mókák. Holnap megírok mindent ma ennyire van erőm !
Commercial Sandbag with Handles | 40lbs 24 Jul 2012 | 06:34 pm
The Premium Sandbag is rated for commercial use! Perfect for: Farmers walks, Heavy Gym Type Lifts, Strong Man Type Lifts; Stones, Log Lifts, and Heavy Carries Iron Core Training Barbell Type Complex ....
► How To: Farmers Walk 21 Apr 2013 | 03:00 am
Check out my website for more routines & exercises! SHF Browser App- Don't Miss My Next Video! Join the most supportive and fastest growing community on facebook! Check out my BSN Profile! Need to...
CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/16/13 16 Aug 2013 | 06:45 pm
CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD 3 rds Hill sprint 20 Pull ups 30 Ring push ups Followed by: 3x 100 M Farmers walk (walk please not run) Max hang on bar 10 perfect squats
Thursday 22.08.13 22 Aug 2013 | 01:21 am
AMRAP 30min: run 800m, 15 thrusters, 65/45lbs, 10 landmine twist, 45lbs/25lbs bar, small round farmers walk, 55/35 lbs DBs Superwomans cleaning!!
Max Reps Back Squats @ Bodyweight & 400M Farmers Walk... 23 Aug 2013 | 11:34 pm
Max Reps Back Squat at bodyweight (160) -32 Cash Out- 400M Farmers Walk (70# KBs) - 11:49 That was BRUTAL!