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اريد need for speed لـجهاز جالاكسي اس 2 29 May 2012 | 07:58 pm
اريد need for speed لـجهاز جالاكسي اس 2 السلام عليكم بحثت عن لعبة need for speed لجهاز galaxy s2 ولم اجد الا النخسة المدفوعه هل هناك نسخة مكركه؟ المصدر: منتدى الاندرويد | Android
Taurus Bumper Case for Galaxy S2(i9100) Review 14 Dec 2011 | 11:49 pm
I have used several cases for my Galaxy S2 but they were all made of plastic and rubber which tended to attract dust which is a major annoyance. I scoured the web for decent cases and stumbled upon th...
Samsung Galaxy S2 – The new child of Samsung 24 Feb 2011 | 01:44 am
Samsung Galaxy S, was quite the surprise of the mobile world. Since Samsung had no other phones like this one we were pleasantly surprised with its capabilities, speed and quality of the build. While ...
Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus Will Hit Stores in Germany in February 16 Jan 2013 | 01:42 pm
The new Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus (GT-I9105) will probably hit stores in Germany in February 2013, That’s what most web stores announce as a release date. Purchase prices for the Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus w...
Samsung Galaxy 2 Tricks to Boost Speed, Extend Battery Life, Use Bluetooth Mouse, Customization, Etc 21 Apr 2013 | 08:28 am
1. Notifications Bar Brightness Control You can control the brightness of Galaxy S2 from Notifications Bar instead of going to the Settings Menu. To do this, disable the Automatic Brightness by going ...
Need for Speed Shift on Samsung Galaxy Tab 31 Jul 2012 | 01:33 pm
Gamers that like to take their games with them when they go will appreciate Samsung’s new Galaxy Tab. This popular new tablet PC is a notebook on the go, ready to provide endless amounts of web browsi...
iPhone 5 or Galaxy S3? A Head to Head 3 Jan 2013 | 08:02 pm
When it comes to choosing a new smart phone, there is always a lot of emphasis on the features of each handset such as speed, memory, sleekness, web compatibility, or whether it has a powerful camera....