Most international wine fair usa related news are at:

“Catalan Wine” by the Catalan News Agency 14 Aug 2013 | 12:42 am
Catalonia is a leading wine producing land. It produces high-quality red, rosé and white wine, as well as many different sweet wines. In addition, it is the motherland of Cava. Flagship cellars such a...
“Catalonia: Universal Wines and Cuisine” by Pere Tàpias 5 Aug 2013 | 08:46 pm
July 29th, 2013 If midway through the 20th century painting and architecture were, and still are, Catalonia’s most important cultural ambassadors, as we head into the 21st century we should acknowled...
More international wine fair usa related news:
The London International Wine Fair 2012-Union Des Grand Crus Bordeaux 2008 Tasting 30 May 2012 | 10:18 am
The floor at LIWF 2012 I was lucky enough to be given the day off to go down and represent Moncharmat the LIWF and more specifically the Union Des Grand Crus Bordeaux 2008 tasting. It was a beautiful...
Megavino 2012, we will be there! 4 Sep 2012 | 12:55 pm
The Belgium International Wine Fair will take place in the Palace 3rd of Bruxelles Expo from the 19th till the 22nd of October 2012. We will present and we will happy to make discover the wines we are...
Достижения отечественных виноделов 18 Jun 2013 | 01:56 pm
На прошедшей London International Wine Fair 2013 представители российского виноделия удивили профессионалов мирового винного сообщества разнообразием представленных вин и завоевали рекордное количеств...
Paris Cookbook Fair 2013. Paryski Festiwal Książek Kulinarnych 2013. 25 Feb 2013 | 03:41 am
I am in Paris and yesterday I visited Paris Cookbook Fair which is the prestigious annual international cookbook and wine book trade meeting, to which I was invited. This year, it took place in the he...
The Los Angeles Printing Fair 6 Dec 2012 | 01:40 pm
I recently travelled to the USA and as fate would have it, I was fortunate enough to be in Los Angeles for the annual printers fair at the International Printing Museum. To quote a few bullet points ...