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Community Job Title Trend: “Player Experience” 13 Jan 2013 | 05:48 am
Community Managers are lucky: we’re still defining our job descriptions. At the same time, a company that finds itself with a clutch of Community Managers eventually runs into the problem of where to ...
10 Questions with Sarah Mackey, Nanowrimo Community Liaison 15 Nov 2011 | 11:59 am
We’re smack in the midst of the thirteenth season of National Novel Writing Month, an online writing community based on a simple (if daunting) goal: 50,000 words in one month. That’s almost 1,700 word...
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Thông báo thay đổi mẫu giấu pháp nhân của Trường Đại học Hàng hải Việt Nam 20 Aug 2013 | 02:38 pm
Tải về TB mau dau DHHH0001.pdf
Get Best Deals for Furniture Sydney & Lighting Stores Online 13 Feb 2012 | 06:39 pm
With regards to the fast paced life, which just about every person leads, searching for Furniture Sydney like antiques, lighting stores, table lamps, dining chairs and tables, etc. is definitely a dau...
Kanye Taps Into His Inner Sweet Valley Girl + First Pic of North West 23 Aug 2013 | 09:17 pm
Kanye Kardashian (because after this interview, he’s definitely earned the last name) made an appearance on Kris Jenner’s new talk show where he talked about the joy that is Kim Kardashian and his dau...
Bieu hien thuoc tranh thai khan cap? 27 Aug 2013 | 08:43 am
Ban gai e da uong thuoc tranh thai duoc 2 ngay roi ma van khong thay cac hien tuong nhu buon non, nhuc dau, ra mau, ma chi them an them ngu la sao vay, ai co kinh nghiem giup do gium e voi, e cam on