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New B2B Marketing Survey: Complete and Get the Result 1 Nov 2012 | 09:03 am
Introducing the 2012 B2B Demand Generation Benchmark Project Have you ever wondered what demand-generation channels your peers find most successful? Will they be spending more or less on leads next......
Kan forskellen på din i en emnelinje gøre en forskel for resultatet i en A/B split test? 1 Mar 2012 | 08:31 pm
At teste emnelinjer i email markedsføring bliver ofte glemt eller nedprioriteret. Men det er forkert. For forskellen på selv små nuancer kan være ret signifikant som denne test viste. Vores søstersels...
More michael leander picasa related news:
Study: Facebook campaign for B2B marketers 8 Nov 2009 | 09:44 pm
Michael Leander shares a B2B campaign on Facebook in the slideshow below. True to the rule of transparency you get all the true & dirty details in the slideshow. Watch it and please do particpate in t...
Internet marketing in Cyprus 7 Nov 2009 | 08:23 pm
Written by Michael Leander End of October, I (Michael Leander) had the pleasure of training marketing representatives of some of the most important businesses in Cyprus. Organized by RJTulip, the 2 ...
Cavendish Hotel, London, United Kingdom - video 25 Oct 2009 | 04:59 pm
Michael Leander filmed a quick video of one of the rooms in the Cavendish Hotel on Jermyn Street in London, United Kingdom. A very nice 4-star hotel. Probably the best 4-star hotel I have stayed in. E...
Nye ejere af Poets & Plumbers A/S kalder til samling 26 Jan 2012 | 11:47 pm
Markedu overtager sammen med Markedu’s stifter Michael Leander 90% af aktierne i Poets & Plumbers A/S. Markedu vil via Poets & Plumbers introducere nye trænings, kursus og netværksaktiviteter i Danma...
CMO Trends Survey 27 Nov 2011 | 09:22 pm
The CMO Trends is the yearly marketing trends survey conducted by Michael Leander Company
Markedu shareholder in Danish event and training company 23 Jan 2012 | 10:35 pm
Markedu along with Markedu founder Michael Leander has acquired a total of 90% of the shares in Danish event and training company Poets & Plumbers Inc. Poets & Plumbers A/S was founded in 2008 and qu...
The Death of Propaganda interview with author Jonathan Winch 6 Jan 2012 | 11:35 am
An interview with B2B marketing guru Jonathan Winch Michael Leander interviews Jonathan Winch, B2B marketing expert and a co-author of “The Death of Propaganda”, a new book that expounds a new strate...
CMO Trends Survey 27 Nov 2011 | 04:22 pm
The CMO Trends is the yearly marketing trends survey conducted by Michael Leander Company Hungry for more marketing stuff? Check out this nice resources - |
The Death of Propaganda interview with author Jonathan Winch 6 Jan 2012 | 06:35 am
An interview with B2B marketing guru Jonathan Winch Michael Leander interviews Jonathan Winch, B2B marketing expert and a co-author of “The Death of Propaganda”, a new book that expounds a new strateg...
Think Marketing Magazine Egypt interview Michael Leander in Cairo 3 Feb 2013 | 03:18 pm
The guys at Think Marketing Magazine - the leading marketing magazine in Egypt – interviewed me one early evening at the Hilton Zamalek in Cairo. The interview resulted in a series of videos, the firs...