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The Tech Poverty Fighter: Christianity Today Profiles Andrew Sears & TechMission 8 May 2013 | 10:57 pm
TechMission's Executive Director, Andrew Sears, explains in Christianity Today's latest online issue why Christians need to use technology to fight poverty. "Christians often resist technology," he sa...
TechMission Featured in Religion Today Article: Prayer Key to Boston's Recovery 24 Apr 2013 | 07:03 pm
TechMission's was featured in a Religion Today news story yesterday. Andrew Sears, TechMission's Executive Director, was quoted as saying, "In the morning I cried again as...
More mission organization christian beach related news:
Complete Web Design: Non Profit Website, Mission Trips to Baja, Mexico 1 Feb 2011 | 12:24 pm
One of our newest is now live- BajaBound is a Christian organization that sets up and coordinates trips to Baja, Mexico. For more information on what BajaBound provides, visit their...
ALMA Beach Picnic 20 Aug 2010 | 06:32 am
The Association of Latino Men for Action (ALMA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower Latino gay, bisexual, and questioning men by providing support, advocacy, and leadership opport...
Looking for the lost children and youth in Eastern Europe 2 Aug 2012 | 02:58 pm
The children and youth living in basements and pipe tunnels can be rescued and saved - if somebody goes to them where they are. Mission Possible is a Christian Missions and Aid organization that has ...
about_fica 10 May 2013 | 02:50 am
About FICA FICA (Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America) is a para-church organization with the mission to equip Indonesian Christians to make impact in their communities for Christ. Our pass...
about_fica 10 May 2013 | 02:50 am
About FICA FICA (Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America) is a para-church organization with the mission to equip Indonesian Christians to make impact in their communities for Christ. Our pass...
Bloke Support 17 Oct 2012 | 12:08 pm
Bloke Support Bloke Support is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of men and their families. Established in 2011 and based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, our mission is to support m...
Hawaiian Sailing Canoes Land at Kalapaki 20 Aug 2013 | 01:34 am
Saturday beach-goers and surfers greeted finishers of the Hawaiian Sailing Canoe Association race from O`ahu to Kaua`i. The a non-profit organization’s mission is ” to learn, revive, educate and pract...
Florida Advent Missionary Team Visits Nicaragua 16 Aug 2013 | 06:17 pm
At least 241 baptisms in Nicaragua resulted from a mission trip organized by South Palm Company in Delray Beach.