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Solution structure of a minor and transiently formed state of a T4 lysozyme mutant 13 Mar 2012 | 05:32 pm
Bouvignies, G., Vallurupalli P., et al. Nature. 477(7362), 111-4. (2011) Proteins are inherently plastic molecules, whose function often critically depends on excursions between different molecula...
Allergy Terms Glossary 17 Sep 2008 | 08:56 am
Allergen-substance that causes an allergic reaction Allergenic-describes a substance which produces an allergic reaction Antibody-molecule tailor-made by the immune system to lock onto and destroy s...
How Toxic Is Your Cooking Oil?* 20 Mar 2011 | 04:50 pm
Toxic oil found in the golden oil aisles at your local supermarket Why should you care about damaged oil molecules? A toxic oil molecule is an oil molecule that has changed shape and no longer looks...
Radicalii Liberi şi Antioxidanţii 20 Jun 2010 | 11:26 pm
Radicalii liberi sunt atomi supraîncărcaţi, molecule sau compuşi care, lipsindu-le un electron, devin instabili. Ei “fură” un electron de la diverse macromolecule (ADN, ARN, proteine) pentru a se stab...
Atomic Puzzle 2 16 May 2012 | 11:44 am
Clear each level by removing the atoms in the correct order. Can you predict the merging of the molecules so that there’s none left at the end of each level?
Vitamins from Food is Best Vitamins 4 May 2011 | 04:30 pm
Even if only in small amounts, vitamins and minerals each have specific functions and are included in the main nutrients the body needs. Vitamins are organic molecules that our bodies need to process...
Watercress in New Anti-cancer Diet Book 22 Jun 2011 | 02:57 am
Zest For Life. A new book highlights a recent study by Oregan State University which indicates that cruciferous vegetables such as watercress are thought to contain a molecule which eliminates toxic ... 24 Apr 2009 | 12:52 am
The name chlorophyll embodies certain core values: creativity and efficiency. The molecule is exceedingly efficient because it uses every photon and it is creative because it combines two unrelated th...
Journal of Atoms and Molecules 29 Oct 2011 | 08:33 pm
Welcome to Journal of Atoms and Molecules. Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsu...
Vaccine targets 90percent of cancers 10 Apr 2012 | 07:00 pm
A vaccine that can train cancer patients’ bodies to seek out and destroy tumour cells has been developed by scientists. The therapy, which targets a molecule found in 90 per cent of cancers, could pr...