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Rainbow Font, Para darle color a tus textos 30 Nov 2011 | 02:40 pm
Rainbow Font es un plugin para Messenger con el que podremos darle a nuestros textos un efecto arcoiris como en la imagen, Una vez que instalamos este plugin, deberemos activarlo escribiendo este text...
WSO Covert Messenger Plugin - This Is So Effective It's Bordering On Evil... 11 Apr 2012 | 03:28 pm
Sales Page Download Just download
Covert Messenger Review 11 Apr 2012 | 04:01 pm
Covert Messenger is a super simple to use and install WordPress plugin. The only thing you need in order to use it, is a self hosted WordPress blog. Covert messenger looks like a normal instant mess...
Update Status Facebook melalui Yahoo Messenger 15 Sep 2009 | 10:42 am
Facebook, Yahoo dan Twitter memang sudah jadi new situs fenomenal sekarang. Postingan kali ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana caranya update status facebook dari Ym... Dengan menggunakan YM Plugin yang b...
Pidgin 2.6.4 released 7 Dec 2009 | 09:40 am
Pidgin Version 2.6.4 released Pidgin ist die aktuelle Version des früher als Gaim bekannten Instant-Messengers. Neu ist ein MySpace-Plugin implementiert. Neuerungen laut Changelog: * libpurple o A...
RH Yahoo! Messenger WordPress Plugin 24 May 2011 | 06:16 pm
Hi, there. In this post I want to introduce my first WordPress plugin . This plugin is a widget plugin that will shows multiple Yahoo! Messenger Status of your own. So here it is.. Installation The ...
Windows Live Messenger Quote 25 Jan 2007 | 08:53 pm
A case of "All In The Family": a Windows Live Writer plugin which inserts a Windows Live Messenger Quote! Yes, you can highlight what you’re doing with Windows Live Messenger and paste it into Window...
Microsoft schaltet Live Gallery ab 4 Oct 2011 | 02:32 am
Microsoft hat die Windows Live Gallery, die bisher als zentrale Anlaufstelle für Gadgets, Emoticons, Plugins für LiveSpaces, Live Writer, Live Messenger usw. war, abgeschaltet. Wer weiterhin auf der S...
Msn Messenger Plus! Live 5.11 1 May 2012 | 10:18 pm
Messenger Plus! Live is a very versatile plugin for the popular instant messaging client from Microsoft that adds new features and customization to your Windows Live Messenger. Now is also fully compa...
Selecting your appropriate Rayban sun glasses 18 Aug 2012 | 01:37 pm
JVZoo Product FeedCovert Messenger New WordPress Plugin Lets You Easily Create Cool "Intant Messenger" Ads On Your Blogs - These Ads Will Suck Your Visitors In and Literally Force Them To Click On Any...