Most project diva guide related news are at:

Ragnarok Online 2′s Open Beta for NA has officially begun! 21 Apr 2013 | 09:10 am
In case you’re slow, like me, Ragnarok Online 2 for the North Amercia is finally open! No more Asiasoft region locking, hooray! Drop by the official website to join in the game, download the client,.....
Minami-Ke’s Fourth Season, “Tadaima”, Promotional Video Streamed! 25 Dec 2012 | 12:02 pm
What’s a better than the third season of Minami-ke? Well, the fourth season, of course! Titled as “Minami-ke Tadaima”, the fourth season of Minami-ke promises more hilarious antics from the three Mina...
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Kamera Dengan Layar Sentuh di Bawah Rp 4 juta 21 Oct 2011 | 02:31 am
Oleh Yahoo! Special Projects | Tech Guide – Jum, 30 Sep 2011 15.32 WIB Kemajuan teknologi yang saling-silang dan mempengaruhi menelurkan jenis kamera digital yang dilengkapi layar sentuh. Walaupun pa...
Confira o trailer de Project Diva Extend para PSP 20 Aug 2011 | 05:41 am
Foi divulgado recentemente o primeiro trailer promocional do jogo Project Diva Extend, protagonizado pela cantora virtual Hatsune Miku. Desenvolvido pela da SEGA para o PSP, o game traz novas músicas,...
New EASTER Project Instruction Guide Using SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS 3 Mar 2012 | 08:38 am
The New Create Your Style with SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS Design and Instruction guide EASTER BUNNY RING Beading and Crocheting Come Together Beautifully This design project features 5000 Round beads in 4m...
Hatsune Miku Project Diva f ชื่อทางการของภาคใหม่น้องมิคุ บน Vita พร้อม Trailer ตัวที่ 2 28 May 2012 | 02:10 am
Hatsune Miku Project Diva f ภาคใหม่น้องมิคุ บน Vita ที่มีกำหนดการออกในวันที่ 30 สิงหาคม 2012 นี้เองเอาเตรียมตัวถอย VITA กันแล้วรึยังเหล่าแฟนบอยทั้งหลาย ส่วนเครื่อง PS3 กำหนดการจะออกในปี 2013 โน้นเลยที...
I’m Back! 2 Feb 2010 | 09:27 am
Yes Guys I am finally back! After that break, I am Ready! To take back what is mine! My Life!! Get ready, becuase this year will be filled with projects, themes, guides, how-to’s and so much more !! ...
今日の戦利品 11 Jul 2010 | 09:08 pm
●京アニショップ限定販売 秋山澪フィギュア 勢いで予約していた物 第一期EDの服装だしあずにゃんは出るのかな? 値段が高いのでりっちゃんとムギちゃんは予約しなかった 制服姿のフィギュア買ったほうがいいし。 ●初音ミク「Project DIVA Arcade」専用ICカードケース セガのプライズ物 三種類ある中でやっぱミクっぽいカラーのこれが一番人気あるみたいだね。 取るのに1600円...
Sale decision of the latest work of ryo(SuperCell). 12 Aug 2011 | 11:32 am
Latest work “SEKIRANUN GRAFFITI/ Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’” of ryo(SuperCell) was decided to put it on the market on August 31, 2011. This is a theme song of PSP game “Hatsune Miku Project DIVA- extend...
本日の国内ゲーム情報ひとまとめ - 2012/5/24 24 May 2012 | 11:51 pm
「MAX ANARCHY(マックス アナーキー)」公式サイト更新(PlatinumGames) ※体験版5月31日配信決定、ほか。 「Soul Sacrifice」公式サイト更新(SCE) ※ ≪「SYSTEM」「GALLERY」を更新!≫ 20周年プロジェクト第2弾 ティザーサイトオープン(日本一ソフトウェア) 「初音ミク -Project DIVA- f」公式サイトリニューアルオープン(...
Miku Project Diva 20 Sep 2010 | 05:02 pm
Is Miku taking over your PSP? The Best version has made getting Miku on your PSP even easier now. Project Diva Ver. 2 is now available, but if you just got your PSP make sure to grab your copy of Hats...
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP: Training from the Source [Paperback] 24 Apr 2011 | 01:43 am
This Adobe-approved, project-based guide (pass) from one (digit) of the world's most popular (favourite) web design (organisation) authors, David (king) Powers, will (module) teach readers how to prog...