Most push press related news are at:

Mental Meat Heads 12 Jul 2013 | 02:25 am
I was recently interviewed by Dave Hall for his Mental Meat Heads weekly video interview series. Dave was introduced to me by our mutual friend Chip Conrad, who thought we would get along – and he was...
If Gandhi can… 5 Jul 2013 | 06:46 pm
Folks, please welcome guest blogger Kate Taylor. Kate is a personal trainer who is currently working with me as her career mentor. She aims to chart her progress and hone her writing skills along the...
More push press related news:
RKC II 2. nap 15 Aug 2010 | 05:31 pm
Túléltem. Éppen hogy, de túléltem... viking push press vo2 max, 10+ kör focipálya -domb majd vissza farmer walk min. 32 kg-mal és egyéb mókák. Holnap megírok mindent ma ennyire van erőm !
Oly Class Workout 5-24-2012 25 May 2012 | 05:18 am
Warm-Up: 3 Rounds: 10 Weight Box Jumps (20/15# DB's) 10 Push Press (65#) 10 Squat Jumps WOD: Every minute on the minute, complete one Clean & Jerk *Go up in weight or stay consistent across all se...
workout 12 12 Aug 2011 | 03:46 am
Warm-up- Band walk x up and back Hip Bridges (on 1 or 2 legs) 3×8 Workout- 30/30 interval 1 arm push press 2 hand swing moving plank (push-up position down to elbows) 2 hand swing 1 arm push p...
20 kilos csütörtök reggel :) 7 Jun 2012 | 02:23 pm
Igen, nagyon tetszik, hogy 20 kiloval edzek. :) 10 Dead lift 10 KK Swing 10 Goblet Squat 10 Halo 2 JK Military Press, 1 JK Push Press (a harmadik sajnos nem ment ki....) 1 BK Military Press, 2 BK Pus...
Wednesday, 7/25/12 25 Jul 2012 | 06:12 am
Brandon, Shannon, Jordan, Johnny, Vicki, Anthony, Karin, Sarah and Yan rowing. Today's WOD: Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 Then AMRAP in 12 minutes of, 200 meter Run 7 Push Press 75/115 14 Box Jumps 1...
WOD 7/31 1 Aug 2012 | 02:48 am
5 RFT 15 Push Press 75/45 Run 400 10 SDHP 75/45
'don't break've got so much heart' 23 Oct 2012 | 03:34 am
Conditioning Session 15 min block 28kg KB Squat x5 20kg KB Swing x10 Push Ups x10 12 rounds 10 mins of Sprints Intervals 60/60sec 8km/15km 15 min block Push Press 25kg x5 22.5kg Single Arm Row Unsu...
20121026 HITS 26 Oct 2012 | 07:00 pm
korrekciók,warm up Felvétel+Lökés 70 kg-ig mentem fel Karból nyomás 5×3 75 kg Húzódzkodás súllyal 5×3 bw+12kg Metcon 30 Kalapács 8kg 30 Box Jump 30 Push Press 45kg 30 Wall Ball 9 kg 30 Burpee 30 Felül...
20121104 terheléselvétel 4 Nov 2012 | 05:03 pm
korrekciók, SMR, warm up Airdyne 5 perc KB Push Press 2x32kg 3×10 Invertált evezés gyűrűn 3×10 Double unders gyakorlás Metcon: 30-20-10 Swing 24kg Ring Push up Overhead Lunge 7’54”
fran pr 10 Feb 2013 | 03:23 am
behind the neck push press - 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min 155, 185, 205 (f) amrap sets of 3 hspu - 7 min 20 sets x 3 = 60 reps + fran 21-15-9 thruster-95# pull ups for time: 3:20 daily report body: ...