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Victoria Investments partners with Latvia-Based Latitude Yachts 19 May 2011 | 03:05 pm
USA-based yacht broker Victoria Investments, Inc. has just partnered with Latitude Yachts, new super-yacht yard based in Riga, Latvia. Signed during the Boat Asia Singapore 2011, the representation an...
Home sweet home! 5 Mar 2011 | 03:57 am
We are FINALLY home in Huntersville, NC!!!! After an exhausting, and less then fair trip home, we are back in AMERICA!!! We left Riga, Latvia on Wed at 3:45 pm (their time). This was exactly 1 hour la...
How we opened a New Office in the Baltics in 72 hours (and Now Hiring Node.js Developers!) 1 Dec 2011 | 01:21 am
We are proud to announce the opening of our new development studio in Riga, Latvia, which took a meer 72 hours to execute, thanks to a brilliant network of young motivated startups that were ever so h...
Photo session in Riga by Valters Preimanis 31 Mar 2012 | 09:16 pm
Photo session in Riga details Studio location: StudioGlamour, Riga, Latvia Riga commercial photographer: Valters Preimanis Stylist, retoucher: Valters Preimanis Models: Ieva with friend Photo ses...
Gerhards refuses to speak Russian on TV 1 Sep 2010 | 11:49 pm
RIGA — Latvia’s transport minister walked out of the TV5 studio after insisting on speaking Latvian during a planned interview for a Russian-language news program. The incident immediately created a s...
The Latvian National Art Museum Presents Boris Berzins Landscapes 23 Jun 2012 | 10:48 am
Riga, Latvia.- The Latvian National Art Museum is proud to present "Boris Berzins: Landscapes" through August 14th. Boris Berzins (1930-2002) is one of the best known Latvian painters of the 20th cent...
Car Rental Solution in Riga, Latvia 27 Sep 2012 | 12:42 am
Europe may be in the middle of bad economic turmoil but it doesn’t mean this region is no longer prospective destination for your business expansion. This is the time to turn your focus to emerging ec...
Apartments In Riga 17 Jan 2013 | 07:25 am
It’s worth considering a few factors when searching for apartments in Riga, Latvia. Being the capital and the largest city of Latvia, Riga has the largest population and is also the most important cit...
Laivo Sandėlis dalyvauja Baltic Boat Show 2013 parodoje Balandžio 5-7 d. Riga, Latvia. 2 Apr 2013 | 10:23 pm
Baltic Boat Show (Baltijos šalių laivų paroda) yra vienintelė paroda, skirta laivams, motociklams ir poilsiui ant vandens pabaltyje, siūlanti unikalią galimybę apžvelgti visame pasaulyje garsius preki...
KSS Retail and Corporate Solutions Limited Partner for Price and Promotion Optimization in the Baltics 29 Jan 2013 | 01:44 am
RIGA, Latvia – January 29, 2013– KSS Retail, a dunnhumby company, market leaders in retail price and promotion optimization, today announced a partnership agreement with Corporate Solutions (“CSolutio...