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Trail Running – sieh mehr, spür mehr! 10 Jun 2013 | 05:34 pm
Immer um den Block rennen, ist langweilig. Mehr Abwechslung im Training und neue Herausforderungen im Wettkampf verspricht Trail Running. Es muss nicht gleich ein Alpen-Cross sein. Verlasse mit uns di...
Sportlich fit das Leben genießen: So wird man ein Triathlet 16 May 2013 | 08:45 pm
Gastbeitrag von Nicole Luzar: MyGoal-Leser sind nicht die direkt im Fokus dieses neuen Buches aus meinem Verlag, aber vermutlich hat jeder den einen oder anderen Bekannten, dem “Sportlich fit das Lebe...
More triathlon know how radfahren related news:
The Fat Guy, and Power Camp Playlist: Sunday, 12/12 13 Dec 2010 | 06:46 am
My first-ever triathlon was the Spudman in Burley, Idaho. It was 2001; I was 29. I didn't know how to swim yet and I was a categorical newbie on the scene — just hoping to make it through to the run, ...
She Does Tri | Triathlon Camps and Clinics for Women Presented by Krista Schultz and David Glover 20 May 2012 | 12:59 am
I know Krista from my days in Balitmore and she has set up a really great thing here. Add this site to your list of favourites She Does Tri | Triathlon Camps and Clinics for Women Presented by Krista ...
Aerobic Triathlon Training Methods 25 Jul 2011 | 03:40 pm
I know what you’re thinking: aerobic exercise = sweatbands and legwarmers. Just because those are my fashion choices doesn’t mean that you have to wear them too. But it just might make you cooler. Fas...
Sockless Running with the Brooks PureConnect 21 Dec 2011 | 12:05 pm
If you caught my article on sockless running and triathlon shoes, you know I love running sockless. At least when I’m in my Pearl Izumi Iso Transitions! In order to save them from getting too worn out...
#momsrunning: Making Fitness Matter and Getting Active for a Cause by Stephanie of @RunningHighFive 29 Mar 2012 | 01:36 am
We all know that leading an active lifestyle has many benefits. You don’t have to be training for an IronMan® Triathlon to find that fitness will improve your quality of life, lighten your mood and st...
Competition 26 Jul 2010 | 10:12 am
Many of my friends already know that in January I made a bet with a buddy to compete in four events this year, two triathlons, a10k trail run and an off road duathlon. We’ve made bets in the past, whi...
Shopping as a cure for Achilles Tendonitis (Achilles heel pain) 8 Jan 2011 | 04:07 am
Did you know that triathlon actually consists of four disciplines and not only the three most commonly known such as swimming, biking and running? The guys who are claiming this consider shopping to b...
Triathlon TV report and short interview! 21 Jun 2012 | 05:24 am
This is the report by local TV TCC, yes I know it's in Japanese :-) As a local racer I've been interviewed just after crossing the finish line. (This is at the end of the video around 6:09) Basicall...
29. Leipziger LVB-Triathlon am Kulkwitzer See 23 Jul 2012 | 03:08 am
Da das Wetter heute sehr vielversprechend war, ging es zum 29. LVB-Triathlon an den Kulkwitzer See bei Leipzig. Der Wettkampf bestand aus 1550 Meter Schwimmen, 42 Kilometer Radfahren und 10 Kilometer ...
Competition 26 Jul 2010 | 06:12 am
Many of my friends already know that in January I made a bet with a buddy to compete in four events this year, two triathlons, a10k trail run and an off road duathlon. We’ve made bets in the past, whi...